Doroteo Arango, a.k.a. Pancho Villa, murdered and terrorized Americans in several Mexico-US boundary states in the early part of the last century.

One particularly gruesome atrocity occurred in January, 1916, when seventeen Texas businessmen were removed from a train in Santa Ysabel, Mexico, and executed in cold blood. A few months later, Villa struck again inside the United States, hitting Columbus, New Mexico.

President Woodrow Wilson had exercised restraint up until that point, recognizing that Villa was an opponent of Mexican President Carranza. Now, however, Wilson informed -- he didn't ask -- Carranza that America was sending Brigadier General John J. ("Blackjack") Pershing along with some 5,000 troops, aircraft and motorized vehicles, to take care of business since the Mexicans themselves couldn't or wouldn't. While a diplomatic catch worked somewhat against Blackjack's expedition (to help keep Carranza in power), the message was still clear. Blackjack moved in to Mexico to clean house and stayed for many a moon.

Almost a century later, Israel -- about the size of the state of New Jersey -- is faced with a similar predicament, but light years worse in intensity. Pancho Villa, after all, had no intention of destroying the United States or killing all of its citizens. And America, even then, was an emerging super power, spread out 3,000 miles from coast to coast. Israel, on the contrary, faces a good cop/bad cop team, both sides of which agree that a Jewish State, whatever its size, has no right to exist in the region; although, they differ on timing, tactics and strategy as to how to bring about Israel's destruction.

America now has a separation fence built to keep Mexicans -- seeking employment, not looking to blow up Americans -- out of the country. Israel has been brought to court for building such a fence, designed to keep Arabs from disemboweling its kids. And it has caved in to American pressure to render that fence virtually useless in key areas by not granting its route the buffer area in the disputed territories permitted by Resolution 242, the supposed guide for peacemaking.

Even with a somewhat adequate buffer, the fence could be a source of problems for an IDF in hot pursuit and such. Still, the fence's assets outweigh its liabilities. And, if Israel does what it needs to do and insists on the territorial compromise in the disputed territories it's supposed to get to give it "secure and recognized borders" instead of the '49 armistice lines, which turned it into a nine-mile-wide rump state until 1967, the fence will be even more effective.

Given this, we still have to deal with the reality of mortars, Kassam rockets and such increasingly being fired over the fence into Israeli communities. It's been reported that Hamas is now openly bragging about this intention.

This should come as a surprise to no one. The destruction in phases plans the Arabs have for Israel don't end with an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.

So, it's now time for Israel to send Abbas and the rest of the PA a similar message Wilson sent to Carranza in 1916. I'll even word it for Israel's leaders.

Dear President Abbas:

We are tired of the game playing, so I will be blunt in this message.

If the terror against our people persists, and you -- for whatever reasons -- can't or won't stop it, then we will do whatever it takes to stop it ourselves. Every state has a right to defend itself and its citizens. We will let the Arab communities know of this intent. Their fate will thus be in your and in their own hands.

As your friend, President Bush, has said, those who aid and harbor terrorists will share in their fate. The Geneva Conventions' definition of "perfidy" and other clauses allows us to target those places which are used to attack us and to place the blame for any civilian casualties which may occur on the shoulders of those who use their own populations as human shields.

If Jews continue to be terrorized from lands turned over to Arab control, the latter will be targeted -- again, in self defense -- by Israeli artillery, aircraft and whatever other means is necessary. If we are forced to invade because you can't or won't stop these attacks against our people, then I am telling you now that the retaliation will be devastating.

Each Kassam fired at us will be answered tenfold,
a la former Secretary of State Colin Powell's overwhelming force doctrine regarding America's own enemies.

If you intend and/or act to destroy our state (regardless of your method) and kill our people, then you are our enemy.

We will not be bound to play the game by your rules, regardless of the international hypocrites who will rally to your support. They would have buried you and your buddies long ago had they been subjected to what they expect us to put up with.

Pass this on to your Hamas and Islamic Jihad counterparts. The days of fighting them with one hand tied behind our backs are fast disappearing. Many will be meeting their awaiting 72 virgins in Paradise before long. And we will be taking them out hundreds at a time; forget about targeted killings and endangering the lives of our own 19-year-old infantrymen. We have much more effective means at our disposal and will finally begin to use them.

While we want peace for both of our peoples, no nation would tolerate being attacked by its neighbors.

So take heed.
