I would like to preface what I am going to say with the fact that I was once very committed to Leftist/Liberal notions of peacemaking, but realities since 9/11 struck me very hard. I was forced to shed the beautiful notions of peace and humanitarianism as the means to achieve peace, in the face of an evil that knows no bounds of civility.

I am truly confused and awed by the 100,000 or so Peace Now demonstrators and their entourage of fiction weavers who gathered in Tel Aviv Saturday. They were out to advance the total absurdity that peace (for land) can be accomplished with the majority of the Palestinians and the rest of the Islamofacists of the world.

Is sanity missing? Is the ability to go outside of one's thoughts and fantasies so difficult that reality cannot be grasped? Are these peaceniks so brainwashed by fanciful theories of peace that they have abandoned all reason?

How can peace be made with the likes of Hamas, Hizbullah, Al-Qaeda, the majority of Palestinians and other Islamofacists of the Middle East without significant and powerful Israeli military victories? Only such victories teach the simple lesson that peace and civility, first and foremost, will be the only paths to negotiations of any kind -- much like the lesson of the Second World War to the Axis powers.

Are these peaceniks and their leaders as out of touch with reality as were many European Jews, especially German Jews, who hoped that, being more German, more respectful and appeasing towards their soon-to-be executioners would save them from the slaughter that awaited them?

Perhaps a quick recap of recent history will help to clarify just how out of touch with reality the Left in Israel, the European Union, and the United States really are with respect to the prospects of peaceful, loving means of achieving peace with the Islamofacists of the world (not in chronological order):

A pregnant mother of four is brutally slaughtered by Palestinian satanic cult worshippers.

A Hamas leader keeps the head of an Israeli soldier on his desk.

The majority of Palestinians revel in the blood of Israeli Jews and the slaughter of others by the savage armies of Islam, in praise of Allah.

An American is slaughtered -- beheaded like a sheep by Satan's slaves -- while these savages issued guttural praises to Allah akin to that of wild animals consuming their prey (is this Allah really the embodiment of a satanic deity?).

And what about the land for peace exchange with Egypt that resulted in an absurdity called "peace" (Egypt still remains one of the largest suppliers and supporters of Islamofacist terror against Israel and who knows who else)?

Repeated Israeli withdrawals from so-called Palestinian territories and other Arab lands to please the nations of the world truly tested the efficacy of peacemaking with the Arab world. Not surprisingly, these withdrawals resulted in increased terror against Israel and the world. Repeated trust in Arab promises only allowed the Arabs time to strengthen their forces of evil against the infidels of the world, before launching new waves of terror wars against Israel. The Oslos, the Road Maps and other gestures of peace fell by the wayside, to be replaced by hideous forms of terror and murder against Israeli citizens.

There were repeated wars of genocide against Israel when Gaza, Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem were not even an issue.

Repeated propaganda in the Arab world (through its media and educational systems), in the clearest terms possible, tells the Jews of Israel, if not throughout the rest of the world, that they are marked infidels to be slaughtered no matter what they say or do (offers to give up land have not changed the chants for death to the Jews that characterize the so much of the so-called religion of peace, Islam).

Islamofacists in other areas of the world continue their barbaric and murderous practices with only one thing on their minds -- world domination over "infidels" and the replacement of world governments with the likes of a Taliban regime.

Need I say more?

Peace is obviously not what most of the world of Islam wants, and land for peace will not satisfy them any more than it did when Chamberlain offered land to Hitler for peace (as soon as Hitler got his land deal, he forged ahead with his plans for world domination. Pieces were all that the world got for that land-for-peace offering).

What would the peaceniks, Peace Now, and their supports say to all this? I would imagine they would, like sheep, utter the lies and distortions of the Arab world: if only the Palestinians got their land back and a Palestinian State then there would be peace in the region. Just look at how many times withdrawal from Arab territories by Israel lead to peace and security for Israel (beyond a brief interlude of terrorists rearming and strengthening themselves).

Might the peaceniks and Shimon Peres point to the "peace" with Egypt as their prime example of how a land for peace deal resulted in no war with Egypt since that exchange took place? I would have to answer this head-in-the-sand explanation by saying that the only reason that you have not had war with Egypt since you gave back the Sinai was 1) their fear of another military defeat and the political consequences; and 2) the terrorists that Egypt fosters and support are effectively continuing Egypt's war against Israel with no loss to Egypt (they still receive American financial support, their soldiers are not harmed, and their leaders do not take the risks of becoming fools).

Of course, we must not leave out the belief system that suggests that peace can be made with the likes of Yasser Arafat and his corrupt puppets (the Palestinian Authority and Abu Ala). If, in fact, this notion of making peace with a corrupt dictatorship and totalitarian government were possible, then we would have already seen some proof to back up such a foolish theory. Proof might include the destruction of the terrorist elements in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, an Egyptian crackdown on support and supplies for terrorists, and the like. Signatures to the Geneva Understandings by a small minority of Palestinians are but a mere joke when compared to all those Palestinians and Arabs who are dedicated to the destruction of Israel and its people.

The fact is, for the most part, the only time the Islamofacists sue for peace is when they are being beaten badly on the battlefield. Such a "peaceful" arrangement only lasts for the briefest period of time, just enough time to allow the forces of evil to replenish their tools of terror and war. As long as the Islamofacists believe they have any chance whatsoever of overtaking the "infidel", they will set aside peace and resort to terror; this is their character.

The face of the enemy that Israel is up against is a barbarian horde with one goal in mind - genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Jews of Israel. Until this Islamofacist goal changes, peace negotiations represent the height of naivete, political opportunism and outright childish foolishness.

Such peace demonstrations as took place Saturday night do no more than strengthen the enemy's resolve that terror and non-peaceful means will one day win the day. In essence, the one-hundred-thousand-plus Peace Now demonstrators and their leaders have done nothing more than sent a message to the Islamofacist terrorists that these terrorists should keep up the "good work", because they will be rewarded by us Jews. Sadly, all that the peaceniks have done is nothing more than suicidal for many of them and for other Israelis, as well as for others around the world. Terrorists take note of weakness (peace at almost any price), and they will step up their barbaric efforts to destroy us (Left, Right or Center). The terrorist will not take the demonstration as a sign of peace and respond in kind, because peace is not what gives them pleasure. They worship death through martyrdom more than life.

Peace talks, negotiations or whatever you want to call them will only be possible when the Islamofacist terrorists and their supporters have been vanquished militarily, to such an extent that they realize that terror will accomplish nothing but a massive destruction of their forces of evil. As long as you leave them the slightest hope that terror will help them accomplish their goal (the possibility of Middle East and/or world domination), then you will not have peace or security... no matter how much you chant, "Peace Now."