A fighting chance for the West
The attempted assassination of Donald Trump may have changed America and the world. Opinion.
The attempted assassination of Donald Trump may have changed America and the world. Opinion.
The undermining of the West's will before WWII, during the Vietnam War and in Israel's war against Hamas follow a pattern. So it's not the first time. Opinion.
A treacherous, nihilistic worldview is institutionalized throughout Western academia and celebrating Hamas barbarity is part of it. Op-ed.
Support for Hamas originates in the heart of darkness of Western consciousness, There are more fans of Hamas in the West than in Gaza.
Now we see a surreal alliance taking shape in the name of civilizational chaos.The West is called to step aside. Opinion.
After a while, the hate stops being shocking and merely disgusts.Opinion.
In obsessing over Israel's policies, the free world is looking the wrong way. Op-ed.
Relationships between nations and races are shifting, so-called absolute laws of human behavior are being re-written, the East is rising.
Ukraine is not just about Russia’s influence in that country. NATO faces a direct Sino-Russian challenge, the US a loss of dominance.Op-ed.
Post-Christian Europe must understand this hegemonic project, anti the individualistic values of the West, before it is too late. Op-ed.
Egyptian-Canadian writer: 'The main plan of Islamists is to destroy Western civilization - they've said it themselves.'
Interview with the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim
Online manual teaches potential jihadists how to scam funds, build bombs and trick 'white people' into being pawns while setting up attack.
Polls that received little publicity reveal over 60% of Christians and Jews in Canada think Islam and West at odds, Muslims agree.
FM of Iran, top terror sponsor in the world, calls for Western 'soul-searching' over recruitment of jihadists from the West.
Why is support for brutal jihadists flourishing in the West, even as the terror group is largely shunned in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon?
Syrian official: growing concern over rebel forces, including foreign jihadis, has caused the West to reach out to Assad.
Russia's Foreign Minister says that Western diplomats are increasingly saying that Assad is better for Syria than Islamists.
Hamas has accused Western and Arab spy agencies of operating in Gaza, claiming it has obtained a list of alleged collaborators.
World powers will make Iran an offer with "significant new elements" in a bid to resolve the dispute over its nuclear program.
Al-Qaeda has formed all-female brigade to infiltrate and hit Western military bases, as they are less likely than men to attract suspicion.
Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has called on Muslims to increase efforts to kidnap Westerners in exchange for imprisoned jihadists.
The brother of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri has proposed to mediate a peace deal between the West and Islamists.
Iranian President Ahmadinejad has accused the West of destroying his country’s rain clouds in an effort to bring about a drought.
Iranian VP said that the drought in southern Iran is part of a “soft war” launched against the Islamic Republic by the West.
A Yemeni man has been executed after murdering four men and a woman in an effort to imitate a Turkish soap opera.