Giulio Meotti
Giulio Meottiצילום: עצמי
Welcome to Dagestan, one of the seven Islamic republics of the Russian Federation. When word spread of a plane arriving from Israel, the hunt for the Jew in the airport began with shouts of "Allahu Akbar".

After his return to Russia in 1994, the writer and Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn spoke of this "catastrophe". He wrote that “Islamism in the Russian area, in Chechnya and Dagestan, has today taken on aggressive and violent forms.” “There is the prospect that Russian culture in the space of Russia will be replaced by different religions and cultures. It's a bitter process for us, but it's happening."

And while the once unthinkable happened in Dagestan, the same is happening, but this time in London, where Islam is also replacing the old European culture.

Today Churchill's London no longer exists, there is Londonistan. In front of Westminster Abbey, hundreds of thousands of people marched chanting slogans against Israel and for Hamas.

“These are shameful times for the West, a point of no return from our descent into nihilism and depravity,” writes Alister Heath in the Telegraph. Meanwhile, the University of Cambridge canceled a performance of Handel's opera, “Saul”, about David and Goliath .

The cancel culture party is Hamas' natural ally.

In the aftermath of the Hamas attack on Israel, many were worried about the possible "importation" of this conflict into Europe. The formula was nothing short of delusional, because the conflict had been introduced into Europe a long time ago due to the rate at which Arab, Asian and African immigration was reshaping it demographically. Throughout the West, from London to Paris via Montreal and Milan, people stood in solidarity with Hamas in the minutes following the massacres.

And now we see a surreal alliance taking shape in the name of civilizational chaos.

Practically all the poles of the Islamic Umma have launched an assault on Israel which still has over 1,400 dead and many more wounded:

-Qatar, a very rich two-faced Janus, with American military bases and Ismail Haniyeh, who from the hotels in Doha from which he asks of the Gazan Palestinian Arabs a great pledge of blood of “women, old children”;

-Iran, which is pulling the strings of Jihad on Israel's borders, isfirmly in power after impressive internal uprisings and repression;

-Turkey, the second Nato army, which supports Hamas as "liberators"

-The theological sages of al Azhar, who call the Ummah to join Hamas; Pakistan and the other Muslim poles, with their oceanic pro Hamas gatherings.

-The UN, the corrupt body weak with tyrants and strong with democracies, justified the massacres of 1,400 Israeli civilians in their beds and homes by saying that it did not take place in a "vacuum".

-China and Russia are delighted to see the Middle East reconfigured for the first time in half a century. An axis of chaos whose leaders think their time has come. They do not hesitate to invoke "democracy", an argument aimed only at sublimating political and military impotence. And to delegitimize Israel, they play at relativism and put a state and an Islamo-terrorist movement on the same level, thus building bridges with European squares.

The West is called to step aside in the face of the "Global South" and to withdraw, geographically and symbolically.

In the West, the Israeli Jew is seen as a "super-Western".

And so "weak thought" - postmodern, relativist, liquid - allies itself with strong regimes.

The front of the old European Union has already cracked. Just look at how they voted at the UN for the resolution that doesn't even condemn Hamas: Italy and Germany and others choose abstention; Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic (the latter also proposed to leave the United Nations) and Croatia voted against, saving what little honor we have left, and countries such as France, Spain and Belgium took sides in favour. The second because the left is in government and the left rejoices when Israel bleeds. The first and third because they have a gigantic problem of Islam in their countries.

It is like when the United Kingdom refused to offer asylum to Asia Bibi - the Pakistani Christian on death row for ten years on charges of "blasphemy" - because it could have caused "violent uprisings" by fringes of the Muslim population English.

The Ummah, the nihilistic Westerners, the European countries afflicted by Stockholm syndrome, the corrupt UN, the new geopolitics of chaos...Who will save Israel (and us) from this satanic alliance?

October 7 will be remembered as a great test of civilization.