Appeals court rejects Trump request to restore travel ban
Appeals court rules that restraining order against Trump travel ban may continue. Trump: See you in court.
Appeals court rules that restraining order against Trump travel ban may continue. Trump: See you in court.
Jewish resettlement agency files a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of President Donald Trump's temporary ban on refugees.
Court of Appeals in San Francisco hears Justice Department and Washington state's arguments on travel ban. Decision expected soon.
Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly says the administration should have taken more time to inform Congress about immigration order.
Group of Brooklyn haredi businessmen launch campaign against President Trump's executive order on refugees.
Trump calls on court to 'act fast' and make a decision on his travel ban.
Justice Department asks federal appeals court to restore Trump's ban on travelers from seven majority-Muslim countries.
President Trump again criticizes judge who issued restraining order against travel ban.
White House pledges 'at earliest possible file emergency stay of order and defend executive order of President'
Attorney Ben-Gvir says EU travel ban initiative is 'anti-Semitic' and breaches international law - and also is meaningless.
Noose tightens around Islamic Movement in Israel, as travel ban reissued amid multiple threats to blacklist the Hamas-linked organization.
Sheikh Raed Salah, convicted for anti-Israel incitement, receives travel ban on suspicions of planning to 'risk national security' abroad.