
Shemini Atzeret

News and updates about Shemini Atzeret

Shemini Atzeret

One year on -- the lesson of the Day of Unity

As Jews, we don't commemorate events based on the date in the secular calendar. Birthdays and Yartzheits, significant events and Festivals, both joyous and sad, are observed according to the Jewish date.

One year on -- the lesson of the Day of Unity

Israel's response must ensure that what was will no longer be

There is no backing down, the whole Muslim world is watching to see how we respond. Opinion.

Israel's response must ensure that what was will no longer be

Insights for Sukkot

Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah in the profound thought of the UK's late world-renowned Chief Rabbi.

Insights for Sukkot

Jewish at night

Insights for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.

Jewish at night

Stay with me, just one more day

The feelings God has for us are the same feelings we have for those we love who are ill, whose death is in sight, whose time is short.

Stay with me, just one more day

Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah in a nutshell - Family Edition

A new family-oriented holiday series, Ceremony and Celebration, full of resources to engage your family in meaningful Yom Tov interaction.

Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah in a nutshell - Family Edition

Israel Blessed With First Rains

Coincidence? First full rains water the Holy Land, just a little over a day after Jews change to prayer for rain.

Israel Blessed With First Rains

Winter Kicks Off With Wild Weather Sunday

It appears Heaven has answered the newly introduced prayers for rain that began in Israel on Thursday, Shemini Atzeret – in spades.

Winter Kicks Off With Wild Weather Sunday

To Dance Again: Second Hakafot Around Israel

To dance in celebration of the Torah, and then to dance again: the People of Israel were out in force Monday night for Second Hakafot.

To Dance Again: Second Hakafot Around Israel