

News and updates about Pilgrimage

Numerous itinerant scribes through the ages visit the Holy Land

For Sukkot, one of the three pilgrimage festivals, a list of scribes who visited the Holy Land. Strangely, no one mentions Palestinians.

Numerous itinerant scribes through the ages visit the Holy Land

The three Pilgrimage Festivals and the Land of Israel

Lessons in Torah readings related to Eretz Yisrael.

The three Pilgrimage Festivals and the Land of Israel

The Red Heifer: An available tool

Jews were seldom obligated to purify. It was only for those who made pilgrimage and who had become impure since their last pilgrimage.

The Red Heifer:  An available tool

Millions head to Saudi Arabia for annual hajj pilgrimage

Five-day Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca beginning Sunday expected to draw more than two million Muslims from around the world.

Millions head to Saudi Arabia for annual hajj pilgrimage

Egyptian Court Bans Annual Jewish Pilgrimage

The annual pilgrimage honoring Moroccan rabbi Yacoub Abu Hasira was banned by an Egyptian court Monday following complaints from residents.

Egyptian Court Bans Annual Jewish Pilgrimage

Hundreds Complete Annual Pilgrimage to Africa's Oldest Synagoge

Hundreds of Jewish worshippers completed an annual pilgrimage to Africa's oldest synagogue, amid heightened security.

Hundreds Complete Annual Pilgrimage to Africa's Oldest Synagoge

Egypt to Block Jewish Pilgrims to Abuhatzeira Tomb

Egyptians plan to block Israelis from making their annual pilgrimage to the tomb of Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira.

Egypt to Block Jewish Pilgrims to Abuhatzeira Tomb