This is my G-d
What do I do for a G-d who forged a personal relationship with me and showed me His tender love? I beautify Him. I make Him as beautiful as I can.
What do I do for a G-d who forged a personal relationship with me and showed me His tender love? I beautify Him. I make Him as beautiful as I can.
They were not alone in the tunnels but with G-d and the love of their people. That gave the hostages a reason to live. It gave them the ability to transcend.
Rather than celebrate Shabbat in the way G-d made exclusive to Jews, the Christians bumped their Sabbath to Sunday and the Muslims pulled their Shabbat back to Friday.
On the surface, battle are won with weapons and battle tactics. Beneath the surface, they are won because our minds and tongues were preoccupied with prayer.
Just because we are dependable doesn’t mean we are constant. Just because we are constant doesn’t mean we are dependable. In which category do Joseph's brothers fall? And where are we?
It has been a year filled with tragedy and suffering, but as G-d performed miracles for us in those days, He performs miracles for us now. When we say the second blessing over the lights, think about those miracles.
Three guarantors for the coming of Mashiach are alluded to in the three pieces of collateral that Yehudah gave to Tamar, the ancestress of the Mashiach.
The truth is that no one person can have everything.
First, we must love Judaism ourselves. Then, we can impart this love to our children.
G-d would not inform Isaac that Esau was beyond salvation, beyond hope. G-d would not shatter his father’s heart with such news though Isaac already had an inkling that this was so.
Are we bodies with souls or souls in bodies? This is not a question about how we will die but about how we live.
Guests do more for the host than the host does for them. The guests get a meal and a place to sleep while the host derives immense satisfaction and pleasure from providing for them - and merits a mitzva besides.
Many Jews were killed in a 14th century Simchat Torah massacre . Jewish history tends to repeat itself, but so does our resilience to the world's evil.
We love G-d; He has a home in our hearts. At this time, it is appropriate to say that our intellectual wisdom has found a home in our emotional wisdom.
If G-d is your destination, you won’t take a route that leads you elsewhere.
If our purpose is survival at all costs, we become our own purpose, and that is a recipe for disaster. It leads to violence, wars, theft, murder, and a general breakdown of society.
It is rare to find someone with no strengths or no faults. Most of us are a blend of both, but cancel culture give no one a second chance if he has made one mistake.
When we study something, the information is in us, but it doesn’t become us. When we learn, it becomes part of us. And it should change us.
Evil is like a disease. It begins in one section of the body but if left unchecked, spreads to the rest of the body. If gangrene sets in and you are compassionate to your arm, it can soon spread to your vital organs. If an infection sets in and you don’t destroy the bad bacteria, it can kill you.
Without G-d, we are mah—nothing. With G-d we are meah—part of everything.
G-d’s Name begins with a tiny letter because G-d’s greatness is unfathomable to us. What we can know of G-d is infinitesimal like a dot.
Our interest should always be in doing the right thing, not in garnering attention or accolades.
If you don’t go to war alongside your brothers, the war will come to you in one form of suffering or another. In the US, the protests brought this home to every city, university, and water cooler.
The question is how did Pinchas’ act of violence restore peace?
It turns out that Rashi and Nachmanides are not arguing about Moses' misstep with the rock. They were both right
Let’s not succumb to silly politics and pettiness. Let’s rise to the occasion. History will judge us. What we do will have historic implications. Now is the time to journey forward shoulder to shoulder.
An analysis of the haredi attitude towards the army.
The lesson to be learned from a group of young girls in Toronto.
Michelangelo once said, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”
When tempted by something forbidden, we lose all reason simply lust after it with all our hearts. We can always control ourselves, but we are not always willing.
We are powerful. We are G-d’s children. We can help ourselves. He does not want us to surrender. Remember, we were freed from Egypt.
The Haggadah presents four questions that are really answers presented in typical Jewish fashion. Jews often answer a question with a question, don't they?
If, back in 1967, you tried to convince someone that what happened last Saturday night would happen, you would have been committed to an asylum. But it did.
How do we continue to trust in G-d when He allows us to be rocketed by so much evil and darkness?
Because Mordechai gathered all the Jews, the Jewish people were saved. Unity is the key to redemption.
Whatever skill we might have, we must ask ourselves, how we can use it for G-d?
Our sages taught that when we repent properly, even deliberate sins are turned into merits.
The Superbowl heroes you watched the other day did it. If they could do it, you are no different; you can do it too. So, what are you waiting for?
Make a mikdash in your home; make this a religious war. This is the path to victory.
When I study the Torah and come to “know” G-d’s thinking as well as Adam knew Eve, G-d is present in my mind.
There is only one source of light. There is no pluralism in the Torah. Our multiple opinions and traditions must align with the single source of the Torah’s light.
Tthe Hebrew word for Redemption, geulah, and the Hebrew word for exile, golah, are practically the same. The only difference is that geulah is spelled with an alef...
A name that we may not write or utter is a name that is beyond human conjecture. To receive a blessing from this name is to receive truly unlimited blessing.
We found meaning; that is how we survived.
a father’s greatest blessing is the one he receives for his children.
On the surface, we are just like our neighbors in the Diaspora. But we are not really the same. We don't belong and they ensure we know it.
A time of war can feel like darkness. But we are not in a place of darkness. We are in a place of strength.
We were once proud to say, “My best friend is Muslim,” but it turned out that some of them were not really our friends...
Our sages taught that righteous people can transform G-d’s severe judgment into Divine acts of compassion.
When G-d begs forgiveness.
The Torah profits from our joy. As we complete the Torah, the Torah is complete. What can we do to be more complete ourselves?
Yom Kippur.- It is an immersion that gets your head in the game. And it entails an acknowledgment that our heads were not in the game.
On this hakhel Shabbat, let’s gather with others in genuine unity and friendship.
What does it mean, did I not really want what I thought I wanted?
With what perspective can judges administer punishment for sins?
G-d calls us His children and His chosen in the same breath. How does that work?
What did Moses say that caused our ancestors to change their minds?
Admitting that we were wrong and that everything we said about another person sprung from our narcissism or insecurity is embarrassing.
On the surface, the Torah appears to play a game of chance in one of the most important decisions our people ever made, dividing the land.
I challenge you to sit down and list all your strengths and flaws.