News and updates about Mars

China’s Mars rover finds evidence of water on Mars

Researchers find stunning new confirmation that Mars recently had water that could have supported life.

China’s Mars rover finds evidence of water on Mars

NASA’s Orion capsule breaks distance farthest from Earth record

Capsule flies past Apollo 13's distance record for a spacecraft designed to carry humans.

NASA’s Orion capsule breaks distance farthest from Earth record

Watch: Human trash found on Mars

Scientists are puzzled over a piece of equipment from the landing craft which recently arrived on the 'Red Planet'.

Watch: Human trash found on Mars

Scientists simulate life on Mars at crater in southern Israel

Scientists simulate what it will be like to live on Mars in Austrian-Israeli collaboration.

Scientists simulate life on Mars at crater in southern Israel

NASA to test autonomous helicopter on Mars

Attempting to make outer space history, US space agency will attempt first powered, controlled aircraft flight over another planet.

NASA to test autonomous helicopter on Mars

Live: See Mars like never before

NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover sends back pictures from the red planet.

Live: See Mars like never before

NASA’s Perseverance rover lands on Mars

NASA rover lands on Mars with the goal of bringing back rocks that could answer whether life ever existed on the red planet.

NASA’s Perseverance rover lands on Mars

Arab world's first spacecraft launched

UAE launches a spacecraft to Mars in the first such mission by an Arab country.

Arab world's first spacecraft launched

Simulating life on Mars - in the Israeli desert

Israel has launched lunar probe, hoping to become fourth country to land on celestial body. Now, Israel slowly turns eyes toward Mars.

Simulating life on Mars - in the Israeli desert

Israel to host 2020 International Mars Analogue

Israel's D-Mars program firing on all cylinders, now Israel chosen as venue for international initiative for Mars mission in our lifetime.

Israel to host 2020 International Mars Analogue

Life on Mars? Large body of liquid water found on Red Planet

Scientists announce discovery of 12 mile wide underground lake of liquid water on Mars, say other bodies of water possible.

Life on Mars? Large body of liquid water found on Red Planet

Mars recalls chocolate bars in Israel

After bits of plastic found in Snickers in Germany, chocolate maker recalls bars from same Dutch factory in 55 countries.

Mars recalls chocolate bars in Israel

Life on Mars? NASA Finds Flowing Water on Barren Planet

Long, dark streaks appearing seasonally lead scientists to suspect that Mars has more potential for life than originally thought.

Life on Mars? NASA Finds Flowing Water on Barren Planet

India Becomes Fourth Nation With Mars Satellite

Mars Orbiter Mission on Wednesday makes India first nation to complete entry on first try, and first Asian nation to the Red Planet.

India Becomes Fourth Nation With Mars Satellite

Fatwa: Muslims Can't Travel to Mars

Muslim clerics have issued a religious ruling (“fatwa”) forbidding any Muslim from traveling to Mars; anyone who does may end up in hell

Fatwa: Muslims Can't Travel to Mars

NASA Rover Discovers Conditions Once Suited to Life on Mars

An analysis of a Mars rock sample by the Curiosity rover has unveiled minerals that are the building blocks of life, NASA said Tuesday.

NASA Rover Discovers Conditions Once Suited to Life on Mars

New Pictures of Mars Landscape Similar to Negev

Mars or the Negev? NASA releases new pictures of “Mt. Sharp, Mars,” which show rugged hills and canyons amazingly similar to the Negev.

New Pictures of Mars Landscape Similar to Negev

Israeli Refrigerator Goes to Mars with NASA

NASA’s Curiosity rover, currently taking pictures on Mars, is using a refrigerator developed and manufactured in northern Israel.

Israeli Refrigerator Goes to Mars with NASA

Photos: Welcome to Mars

Curiosity photos from Mars show “Mount Sharp,” 3.4 miles high. NASA scientists call the descent and landing a “miracle of engineering.”

Photos: Welcome to Mars

Is There Life on Mars? Don't Bet Against It

What does Judaism have to say about the possibility that there is life on Mars?

Is There Life on Mars? Don't Bet Against It

‘Curiosity’ Lands on Mars after ‘Seven Minutes of Terror’

The Mars science rover Curiosity landed on the Martian surface Monday after passing through what NASA called “seven minutes of terror.”

‘Curiosity’ Lands on Mars after ‘Seven Minutes of Terror’

NASA Launches Mars Rover 'Curiosity'

Amid the global economic downturn NASA is sending a $2.5 billion dollar rover to Mars in search of inhabitants that may have supported life.

NASA Launches Mars Rover 'Curiosity'