
Iran Nukes

News and updates about Iran Nukes

UK foreign secretary expresses concern over Iran acquiring nukes

As talks over nuclear deal near conclusion, UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss expresses concern that Iran may acquire nuclear weapons.

UK foreign secretary expresses concern over Iran acquiring nukes

US Army War College Prof: Iran A Menace to Region

Iran is a “menace” to the entire Middle East and must not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons, a US war College professor warns.

US Army War College Prof: Iran A Menace to Region

Netanyahu: EU Embargo ‘Step in Right Direction’

Prime Minister Netanyahu had cautious praise for the EU Monday, calling its decision to embargo Iranian oil "a step in the right direction."

Netanyahu: EU Embargo ‘Step in Right Direction’

Iran Hints At Deal on US Drone

General says U.S. can make up for its "aggressive move" with some correct political measures.

Iran Hints At Deal on US Drone

Hizbullah Chief Warns Against War in Iran and Syria

Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah: War in Iran and Syria will spread across the Middle East.

Hizbullah Chief Warns Against War in Iran and Syria

Mofaz: Iran Nukes Are Obama's Litmus Test

MK Shaul Mofaz says Iran's nukes are not just a "Jewish problem" and that no one is safe -- adding that the time for talk is past.

Mofaz: Iran Nukes Are Obama's Litmus Test

Ahmadinejad: Israel Killed Our Scientists

Iranian president blames Israel directly over the untimely demise of nuclear scientists.

Ahmadinejad: Israel Killed Our Scientists

Iran Nuke Chief ‘a Survivor’

Iran Nuclear Chief was Targeted 8 Months Ago

The attack on a physicist Iran says missed its mark is similar to one that missed the head of its nuclear program.

Iran Nuclear Chief was Targeted 8 Months Ago