Sukkot joy in the Beit El Yeshiva: an album
Beit El Yeshiva holds festive prayers in the yeshiva sukkah, attended by dean Rabbi Zalman Melamed and Psagot's Rabbi Shlomo Weitzen, a teacher in the yeshiva whose son fell in the war.
Beit El Yeshiva holds festive prayers in the yeshiva sukkah, attended by dean Rabbi Zalman Melamed and Psagot's Rabbi Shlomo Weitzen, a teacher in the yeshiva whose son fell in the war.
Students at the Beit El Yeshiva conclude Yom Kippur prayers with emotional singing and dancing.
After decades of idealistic Religious Zionist activity for the Land of Israel, its Torah and People, Chana Rubin Ausubel has died.
Israeli President tours site of patriarch Jacob's Biblical dream, meets 200 yeshiva students, receives gift basket from local children.
Dr. Shmuel Katz: The facts are on our side, so we don't need to lie.
Beit El yeshiva holds 'second hakafot,' attended by dean Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed, rabbis, and students.
Head of Beit El yeshiva calls on students to vaccinate themselves against coronavirus.
Dozens of people divided into capsules participated in Slichot at Beit El Yeshiva, led by Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed.
Festive prayer and dancing held last night at Beit El yeshiva, headed by Rabbi Zalman Melamed, on the occasion of Yom Ha'atzmaut.
Annual conference of Beit El Yeshiva held in Manhattan, with the participation of businessman Eugen Gluck and Knesset Speaker Edelstein.
Yeshiva combines studies that focus on Torah knowledge, with advanced programs that enable students to establish their professional paths.
Listen to a Yom Kippur medley sung by students of Beit El's yeshiva, led by their Rosh Yeshiva (dean), Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed shlita..
His father is dysfunctional. His mother is in a closed insane asylum. Though once living the streets, Binyamin will now go far in the IDF...
Rabbi Zalman Melamed talks about Ulpana demolition, “They’re taking one of my children, and promising ten in return.”