
8200 Unit

News and updates about 8200 Unit

New IDF policy?

Soldiers assigned to intelligence units will join combat forces

Due to the manpower crisis in the IDF, hundreds of soldiers destined for the intelligence and IT units will be sent to combat forces. Unit 8200 criticizes the decision.

Soldiers assigned to intelligence units will join combat forces

New York Times:

'IDF stopped eavesdropping on Hamas radio networks a year ago'

According to the report, Israel believed Hamas was not interested in launching an attack from Gaza that might invite a devastating response.

'IDF stopped eavesdropping on Hamas radio networks a year ago'

IDF intelligence officer accused of €200 mil scam

An Austrian court is accusing a former IDF cyber intelligence officer of multi-million Euro scam involving binary options.

IDF intelligence officer accused of €200 mil scam

Watch: Are Israeli ex-soldiers committing treason?

Dr. Ronen Bergman talks about the line between personal advancement and treasonous activity among graduates of Unit 8200.

Watch: Are Israeli ex-soldiers committing treason?

Israelis log out of high-tech jobs for a life offline

Disillusioned by hi-tech and high wages, young Israelis are returning to natural living.

Israelis log out of high-tech jobs for a life offline

Israeli, UK, US Spies Cooperated to Monitor Iranian Leaders

Document leaked from NSA contractor Edward Snowden reveals trilateral arrangement between NSA, GCHQ, and IDF's 8200.

Israeli, UK, US Spies Cooperated to Monitor Iranian Leaders