One of the displays at the entrance to Jerusalem
One of the displays at the entrance to JerusalemEliya Steiner

Hundreds of right-wing activists blocked the main entrance to Jerusalem and the Begin Highway in the capital on Thursday and set up several protest displays expressing opposition to the hostage deal.

One of the activists told Arutz Sheva-Israel National News about their display which consisted of chairs covered in "blood": "We know that these sad chairs will be filled. We know that those who will sit in them are among us; eating, drinking, sleeping; filling their lives with meaning, with action. We know their lives will end. The only thing we don't know is who they are. Who are the people who will pay the price? Who are the soldiers, civilians, the men and woman, children and babies, whose lives are worth less?"

Another display showed a mock dead body wrapped in a prayer shawl with a sign reading "A released terrorist=another body tomorrow."

המיצג בכניסה לעיר
המיצג בכניסה לעירצילום: הלל רט
מיצג בכניסה לעיר
מיצג בכניסה לעירצילום: הלל רט