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As soldiers return from battle, tragic reports have emerged.

Dan, a father of two shared, “You can’t go through what I did and not be affected. We saw the darker side of this war that news can never adequately cover.

"I watched friends being shot and tanks going up in flames, and I’m plagued by survivor's guilt; why did I survive when my cousin didn’t? Why am I home when my best friends are injured or still in battle? I left the battlefield, but the trauma of the battlefield never left me".

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This gut-wrenching report has been echoed by hundreds of soldiers. After receiving a hero’s welcome, they discover it’s impossible to acclimate back into life after months of brutal battle. Spurred by the dramatic personal accounts, the public has been questioning whether this is the reality soldiers should have to face.

Experts state that therapy is crucial for these soldiers and their families, but tragically, many are unable to access help. Although the State pays for initial funding for therapy, many cannot afford to cover the rest.

With many soldiers and their families in desperate need of help after their months-long ordeal, a soldier's wife together with the Shomrei Yisroel organization spearheaded an emergency campaign to help 16 families in urgent need of help. Readers can help a soldier and his family access much-needed therapy by donating on the campaign page.