Hiduritצילום: Courtesy

In a world where challenges seem to multiply by the day, one thing remains constant: the power of Shabbos to transform lives.

Since its founding, V'Shamru has been at the forefront of a global revolution, bringing the sanctity of Shabbos to Jewish families everywhere.

Born out of the tragedy of the Meron disaster, this organization has turned sorrow into action, ensuring that the light of Shabbos reaches every corner of the Jewish world.

Be a Part of the Shabbos Revolution and Witness the Miraculous

At the heart of this revolution are the Miracle Kits—carefully curated packages designed to remove the barriers to Shabbos observance. With a donation of $260, you can help fund one of these kits, bringing the beauty and sanctity of Shabbos to another family. And with the option to spread this amount over 18 payments, it comes to less than half a dollar a day—an amount that could bring miracles into your life, as promised by our esteemed rabbis and by Shabbos itself, the source of all blessings.

In just two years, V'Shamru has reached an incredible milestone: over 40,000 families have begun observing Shabbos, many for the first time. This achievement is a testament to the dedication and vision of V'Shamru. The Miracle Kits include everything from a ceramic hot plate to Shabbos timers, making the transition to Shomer Shabbat as smooth and meaningful as possible.

Join Us in the Shabbos Revolution and Watch Miracles Happen

The impact of these kits has been felt far and wide. From Israel to communities around the globe, families have shared stories of personal transformation, spiritual awakening, and even miraculous events. Survivors of unimaginable tragedies, such as the Simchat Torah massacre, have found new purpose and strength through Shabbos observance. Soldiers in the thick of battle have reconnected with their Jewish heritage, bringing the light of Shabbos into their lives and the lives of their comrades.

Join the Shabbos Revolution and Witness Miracles

One of the most remarkable aspects of V'Shamru's work is the support it has garnered from leading Rabbis. These esteemed rabbis have not only blessed the organization's efforts but have also emphasized the spiritual power of Shabbos as the source of all blessings. Their endorsements have inspired many to contribute to V'Shamru's mission, recognizing that by supporting Shabbos observance, they are helping to bring the Redemption closer.

Step into the Shabbos Revolution and Experience Miracles

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky zt”l, a revered Torah giant, once declared that donating to V'Shamru could serve as a powerful atonement for Shabbat desecration. His words have resonated deeply with those seeking to rectify past mistakes and bring more holiness into their lives. And it's not just spiritual blessings that donors have reported; many have experienced tangible miracles, such as the birth of children after years of infertility, financial stability, and more.

V'Shamru also takes a proactive approach in spreading the message of Shabbos through lectures and educational events held throughout Israel. These lectures aim to inspire and encourage more people to take on Shomer Shabbat, providing them with the knowledge and motivation needed to embark on this life-changing journey.

But V'Shamru doesn't stop at simply delivering kits. The organization goes above and beyond by providing personal support to families taking their first steps in Shabbos observance. Volunteers, many of whom are former recipients of the Miracle Kits, work tirelessly to ensure that every family is not only equipped with the physical tools but also with the knowledge and encouragement needed to embrace Shabbos fully.

Now, more than ever, V'Shamru invites you to be a part of this global revolution. With each kit costing $260, your donation can make a profound difference in the life of a Jewish family. And with the option to spread the payment over 18 installments, joining this sacred mission is more accessible than ever. By participating, you become a partner in spreading the light of Shabbos and in bringing blessings into your own life. Whether it's for the health of your children, finding your soulmate, or achieving peace of mind, the power of Shabbos is unparalleled.

Be a part of the miracle. Join the Shabbos Revolution and see the blessings unfold. Click here to donate: https://bit.ly/3Afeas3.