Avnei Hefetz (archive)
Avnei Hefetz (archive)Gili Yaari / Flash 90

A terrorist fired at a residential building in the community of Avnei Hefetz in Samaria this morning (Sunday).

One house was damaged in the attack. No injuries were reported, but a woman required medical attention after suffering a panic attack as a result of the shooting.

Over Shabbat, two IDF soldiers were wounded in a terrorist shooting attack in the Arab city of Huwara in Samaria. This is the third such shooting in Huwara in the last month.

The terrorists are believed to have opened fire from a passing vehicle, striking the soldiers. One soldier was seriously injured and the other was moderately injured.

Hundreds of Samaria residents protested outside Huwara on Saturday night in response to the repeated shooting attacks. Residents also blocked the main road to Shechem (Nablus) in protest against the latest shooting in Huwara.

Israeli vehicles driving through Huwara were pelted by stones thrown by Arab terrorists this morning.