Tushiya Eshkol Shalom who, according to a Channel 12 News investigative report, is behind posts which included hate and incitement on social media, was suspended from her job at Bank Hapoalim on Sunday.
Eshkol Shalom admitted, as part of an investigative report published in Channel 12 News’ main edition, that she was behind many hate publications, including against former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. Posts she published included the words, "A missile is on its way to terrorist Bennett", "Bennett, God will burn your children, Amen", and "Hitler is king, we’re lucky there aren't 6 million Bennetts and Lapids".
Bank Hapoalim stated, "The bank takes seriously the things that appeared in the article broadcast on Channel 12 News and condemns statements that amount to incitement as well as conduct that seemingly goes against the bank's code of ethics and its values."
"The bank started an immediate disciplinary investigation in accordance with the bank's procedures. Until the end of the disciplinary investigation, the employee has been suspended from her job at the bank."