Conspiracy theorists can’t be right. They keep telling us the worst and for that reason alone they must be wrong.

They must be crazy to believe what they say – and we must be nuts if we agree with them.

They say that the man in the White House is an imposter. They say he got into office through misrepresentation. (They forget his speeches that told us exactly what he intended to do. He intended to change this country and he has been entirely successful and true to his word.)

They say that he repeatedly refers to the United States as a Muslim country…further proof, these crazies say, that we have a Muslim himself in the White House.

They say that the Ebola virus is his fault. He could have halted its reaching our borders ...
They say that when he speaks of Islam’s great contribution to America, he cannot name a single contribution. (Maybe he’s just too busy.)

They say that he hates America -- that he thinks of America as bigoted, racist and imperialist and that he wanted power only to get even. (Ridiculous, no?)

They say that he appointed Eric Holder as his “enforcer” only to prosecute “white people.” (How can this be true? Impossible.)

They say that on his watch thousands of illegal children from Central America have entered this country. They brought with them strange diseases that now afflict vulnerable American schoolchildren who are helpless to avoid the contagion. They say that he failed to stop this influx simply because he does not care for American children.

The “Third World” is first in his heart – so they say.

They say that the Ebola virus is his fault. (Imagine that!) He could have halted its reaching our borders had he immediately cut off flights from Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, places where sanitation is unknown and from where the disease originates. They say he failed to stop this for fear of insulting Africans.

They say he cares more about Africa than he cares about America.

They say that Liberals would rather die, literally die, before accusing their leader of any wrongs.

They cite his many golf outings as “proof” that he is in it just for fun.

They say that his facility for speeches masks his lack of substance.

They call him a narcissist; a man who knows nothing about leadership but seeks only glory and adoration.

They say that his archives are hidden from public view because he is not who he says he is.

They say that he probably never taught Constitutional Law because there is no evidence of this and no student has ever come forward to back him up.

They say that he is an anti-Semite. They try to prove this by providing many examples; refinancing Hamas, for one.

They say that he fooled all of us, and that electing him not once but twice is the biggest mistake America ever made.

They say that we will pay for this mistake for generations to come, and that we have only ourselves to blame.

They must be crazy, these conspiracy theorists.


Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. New from the novelist, the Middle East/media thriller “The Bathsheba Deadline.” Engelhard wrote the int’l bestseller “Indecent Proposal” that was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore.  Website: