Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Rabbi Lord Jonathan SacksREUTERS/Edmond Terakopian/Pool/PA

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks was laid to rest in London Sunday, a day after he passed away from cancer.

Attendance at the funeral was strictly limited due to the ongoing coronavirus lockdown in the UK, with the eulogies filmed and broadcast over the internet.

The first eulogy was delivered by Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis who was unable to attend in person due to UK Government COVID restrictions. The text was read by Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury of Hendon United Synagogue.

The second eulogy was delivered by Dayan Ivan Binstock, Dayan of the London Beit Din and Senior Rabbi of the St John’s Wood Synagogue.

The third eulogy was delivered by Rabbi Lionel Rosenfeld of the Western Marble Arch Synagogue.

The fourth eulogy was delivered by Rabbi Dr Harvey Belovski of the Golders Green Synagogue.

The fifth and final eulogy was delivered by Gila Sacks, Rabbi Sacks’ youngest daughter.