Bereaved families of the IDF and terror attacks from the "Choosing Life" organization demonstrated this morning (Sunday) against the European Union, in response to their actions against Israel and their funding of legal counsel of terrorists.
The demonstration took place outside the Dan Police Station in response to the invetiagtion into Meirav Hajaj, mother or Lt Shir Hajaj, who was murdered along with Lt Yael Yekutiel, Lt Erez Orbach and Lt Shira Tzur in a ramming attack at Armon HaNatziv in 2017. Hajaj was interrogated by police on suspicion that she painted graffiti the EU offices.
After the terrorist attack, the government decided to destroy the terrorist's home. After that was announced, the organization HaMoked supported the terrorist's family and appealed to the High Court to stop the order. The state decided to annul a number of the family's Israeli citizenship, this too was appealed to the High Court by HaMoked.
A number of weeks, there was a demonstration outside the EU embassy in response to the EU funding such anti-Israel organizations, such as HaMoked.
Meirav Hajaj said after her interrogation, "in a State that respects itself and it's citizens, the EU would be interrogated for its funding of terrorists and their supporters.The EU does as it sees fit, and the State allows it, an outrage."
Boaz Kokiah, father of Ran, a murdered Nachal soldier, said at the demonstration, "Meirav is another victim of the EU, we will not allow the EU to beat us."
Alon Shwartzer, director of activities in 'Im Tirzu,' also spoke at the demonstration, "A reality where the EU is funding legal defense for terrorists is obscene."
"The EU is trying to change the victim to the attacker, but this will not succeed. We call to all the government employees to switch from words to actions, and block the interference of foreign powers in Israel."