Goni Grisaro
Goni GrisaroMDA Spokesman

Goni Grisaro (15) from Herzliya dreamed from a young age to be like her parents, her grandfather, and her older sister, and save lives.

Goni is already planning to study medicine when she grows up, but before the age of 15, she decided to volunteer for MDA as a first aid provider in ambulances.

Goni's parents are doctors. Her father, Prof. Dan Grisaro, is an expert on gynecology and oncology at Ichilov Hospital, and her mother, Prof. Galia Grisaro, is a pediatric hematologist. They both volunteered in Magen David Adom, as well as Goni's sister, Sharon Grisaro, who was a MDA Paramedic and is currently studying medicine at Tel Aviv University.

Dozens of years earlier, Goni Grissero's grandfather Leon, a pediatrician, also worked for Magen David Adom.

"The value of volunteering and saving lives is a supreme value in my family, and since childhood I've been waiting to reach an age when I can already volunteer for MDA. My parents, my grandfather, and my sister were always an example for me, as doctors and volunteers in Magen David Adom, all for the sake of saving lives," said Goni, "I came to MDA because of the value of volunteering and the desire to help those who need it, and I got a second family, with amazing people from whom I learn a lot from every day.

"The instructors in the first-aid course were very professional and accompany me today as an active volunteer whenever I want to consult or tell things I have experienced.

"As part of the shifts I've done in the ambulance since I finished the course a month ago, I gave medical treatment to people who fainted, people who were injured in a car accident, and severe pain sufferers. Every time I succeeded in helping a person in distress, I felt tremendous satisfaction," she said.