An indictment was filed with the Be'er Sheva District Court against a Jerusalem resident for the murder of her baby son by placing him in a Jacuzzi bath while they were vacationing at a hotel in Ashdod at the beginning of April.
According to the indictment, the woman stayed at the Miami Hotel in Ashdod with her husband and two children, a boy of about 7 and a baby of about a month and a week. Other family members, including the woman's mother, came together with the couple.
On the day of the event, after 12:00, the woman filled the Jacuzzi tub in the room with water, and soon afterwards took off her clothes and those of the baby and went into the Jacuzzi with him, holding him in her hands. At that time, her husband slept in the bed in the room.
At some point, the woman released into the Jacuzzi the baby, his head underwater, and sat in the Jacuzzi while the baby drowned.
Soon after, the woman left the Jacuzzi, leaving the baby alone in the water. After a few minutes, the woman returned to the Jacuzzi. All the while the baby's body floated in the water.
In the course of the acts described, on several occasions, the woman’s mother and her second son knocked at the door, but the woman did not open the door to the room, and time after time she called out "not now" or similar words so as not to interfere with her actions.
Soon after, the woman called to her husband, who had woken up, gotten out of bed and approached the Jacuzzi, as the baby floated face down in the water.
The mother of the woman who was entering the room at the time noticed the scene and immediately took the baby, who was not breathing, out of the water. The woman's mother and husband tried to resuscitate the baby and alerted rescue teams to the scene.
When the rescue teams arrived at the hotel, the baby had no pulse and was not breathing. The rescuers carried out further resuscitation attempts, and the baby was rushed to Assuta hospital in Ashdod, where he died as a result of his drowning in the hot tub.
At the same time as the indictment, the State Attorney's Office requested that the woman be arrested until the end of the proceedings against her.