Amit Popovich, 23 year-old resident of the Shomron town of Kedumim was killed this evening (Wednesday) in a private house in the city of Beit Hanoun.
Large army and police forces arrived at the scene and investigated the circumstances of the disaster.
The Judea Samaria District Police said that an initial investigation revealed that Amit Popovich and his friend Niko had been in the house of one of them, and for some unknown reason, later explained by the friend as an accident while cleaning the weapons, a bullet fired that directly hit Amit's upper body and critically wounded him.
Magen David Adom teams carried out resuscitation operations, but were eventually forced to declare his death.
MDA Paramedic Boaz Malka said, "When we arrived at the scene, we saw a young man in his twenties unconscious, without breathing or a pulse, with a gunshot wound in his upper body. With the help of an IDF medical force, he was given medical treatment and we carried out advanced and prolonged CPR but in the end had to declare his death."
Police forces summoned to the scene opened an investigation and gathered evidence.