Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) and Foreign Ministry Director-General Dr. Dore Gold held a briefing for journalists on Sunday, in which they presented the report drafted by high-ranking military officials vindicating the IDF's counter-terror actions in Gaza last summer.
The report, which was sent to the UN on Sunday, detailed Hamas's war crimes as opposed to the IDF's highly-restrained actions in Gaza while faced with military and legal challenges posed by the embedding of terrorist infrastructure in civilian centers.
Hotovely's comments can be seen below, in which she quoted former Supreme Court President Judge Aharon Barak saying democracies have a hand tied behind their backs in fighting terror due to humanitarian considerations, and quipped that in the current climate of condemnation against Israel it seems as if the world would like to tie both of Israel's hands.
The deputy minister stressed that Israel remains obliged to the "morality" of international law regarding human rights even despite the major challenges presented by Hamas, and succeeded in that mission as documented in the report.
Eleven high-ranking military officials visited Israel in May as part of the High Level International Military Group for a fact-finding mission on the 2014 Gaza conflict, which was the basis of the new report.
Gold, formerly the Israeli ambassador to the UN, then took the podium and gave more details about the report. He noted that the document comes ahead of a report by the UNHRC, which is anticipated to be biased in portraying Israel as guilty of "war crimes."
He commented that the UN report was biased from before it was drafted, as the resolution establishing the probe had already set conclusions condemning Israel for alleged violations.
Gold discussed how Hamas not only targeted Israeli civilians, but also operated from within civilian centers to expose Arab residents to danger and attempt to cause losses that could be used to blame Israel.