Car damaged by arson (illustrative)
Car damaged by arson (illustrative)Flash 90

Jewish extremists are suspected of having torched two cars and scrawled graffiti on a nearby wall in an Arab village in Samaria before dawn Thursday, according to Arab residents.

The two burnt-out vehicles were found in Al-Mughayir, east of Ramallah, and someone had written "death to Arabs" on the wall of a home, an AFP photographer said.

Just last December residents of the same village alleged that "Jewish settlers" had torched a mosque - although they initially prevented any police or military investigators from reaching the site to collect evidence.

Soon after, it was revealed that the "arson" was in fact the result of an electrical fault.

"Settlers regularly come to attack the village, pulling up trees and so on. They've twice burned the mosque," claimed a witness, who refused to give his name.

"Around 4 a.m. I saw the fire and rushed down to stop it. The settlers had already left," he claimed.

The alleged attack comes a week after a Christian seminary building in Jerusalem was set on fire, and a day before that a mosque in Judea and Samaria was likewise torched.

If confirmed, the attacks bear the hallmarks of a so-called "price tag" attack - a euphemism for nationalistically motivated hate crime by Jewish extremists which generally targets Arabs, usually in revenge for terrorist attacks or demolitions of Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria.

However, in at least some cases such accusations have turned out to be false, and even staged.