Hamas Group in Gaza
Hamas Group in GazaFlash 90

As reported last month by Arutz Sheva, the Tamarod Movement in Gaza, recently inspired by the success of the Egyptian Tamarod Movement, is preparing for mass-demonstrations to oust the Islamic Gazan leaders of Hamas this coming November 11th.

"Tamarod" ("Rebel") is the name of the popular anti-Islamist youth movement which led popular protests against Mohammed Morsi in the run up to his removal by the military.

Now, in a recently uploaded video, four youth Tamarod members have issued a video statement urging Gazans to take to the streets. The men wear masks covering their faces, keeping in-line with the symbol of the movement. Only one of the members reads from the text and says that the start of the revolt against Hamas will take place on November 11th of this year, the date of the death of PLO leader Yasser Arafat.

He claimed that the activists of the Palestinian Tamarod movement intend to deal with Hamas authorities “bare-chested” without carrying weapons, claiming that Hamas is the movement which started with bloodshed.

He continued to argue that the Hamas of today is not the same Hamas as Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the movement's founder, intended for it to be. They claim their purpose is to bring Hamas "back on the right track."

The in the statement, the Tamarod youth movement calls Hamas a “gang,” slamming it as morally and financially corrupt - blaming the Islamist movement for  the imposition of Islamic law on many aspects of Gazan life, corruption, killing innocent people, demolishing mosques, and oppressing the population of Gaza in the name of religion. 

In their words, Gaza needs to take its place in the "liberation from the Zionist occupation."