Gaza terrorists fired three Kassam rockets on the Western Negev Sunday, one of them damaging a building in the industrial area near Sderot, located less than one mile “as the rocket flies” from northern Gaza.
One person was lightly wounded and a second was treated for shock.
Terrorists from Hamas-controlled Gaza have continually attacked the Western Negev since the government expelled Jews from Gush Katif and withdrew all IDF personnel in the summer of 2005. Dozens of people have been killed and hundreds have been injured, not including thousands of residents who have suffered shock and trauma.
Based on previous terrorist attacks, the IDF is expected to launch a symbolic counterterrorist attack against smuggling tunnels or weapons manufacturing plants that are known to exist but are not targeted until there are rocket attacks.
The IDF usually issues a press release following retaliatory action that it “will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers and will continue to operate with strength and determination against any element which uses terror against the State of Israel. The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organization solely responsible for any terrorist activity emanating from the Gaza.”