

News and updates about Tzitzit

Personal Growth series:

G-d In our hearts and minds

What is the way we walk before G-d? How do we remember Him during the day?

G-d In our hearts and minds

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

‘Our children are watching’.

D’var Torah for Parshat Shelach Lecha.

‘Our children are watching’.

The Techeilet Revolution - join the Blue Team!

Ger those blue strings on today!

The Techeilet Revolution - join the Blue Team!

Bus crash victim's life saved by Tzitzit

Hatzalah EMT who witnessed deadly bus crash in Jerusalem last week sprang into action, using his tzitzit as a tourniquet.

Bus crash victim's life saved by Tzitzit

Shlach: Everything is G-d's business

I wear tzitzit under my shirt and let the fringes hang down at my side. All I need to do is glance at them and I remember exactly who I am.

Shlach: Everything is G-d's business

Shlach: Blue and White

Science, philosophy, nationbuilding, and commandment orientation are all packed into Shlach Lecha’s mitzva of tzitzit, copied for our flag.

Shlach: Blue and White

What is "Jewish time?"

Insights into Judaism: Jewish time, flying fringes, where to pray and more.

What is "Jewish time?"

Shlach: Holiness of Earth and Air

Do the sections following the Sin of the Spies - Temple wine libations and tzitzit - have any connection with the story of the spies?

Shlach: Holiness of Earth and Air

Shlach: Garments of the soul

Thoughts on the parsha from Israel's first Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi, the iconic leader of Religious Zionism.

Shlach: Garments of the soul

Insights into Judaism

Insights into Judaism

Offensive performance during Israeli basketball semifinals

During State Cup semifinals, immodestly-clad women wearing tzitzit appear on court. Culture Minister works to prevent similar occurrences.

Offensive performance during Israeli basketball semifinals

New IDF directive forbids woolen tzitzis in 3rd degree heat wave

Directive stems from ignorance, not discrimination against religious soldiers.

New IDF directive forbids woolen tzitzis in 3rd degree heat wave

New-found Artifact Revives Ancient Tzitzit Dying Methods

Antiquities Authority presents recent discovery at conference, proof of tekhelet dying techniques from over 2,000 years ago.

New-found Artifact Revives Ancient Tzitzit Dying Methods