Giulio Meotti
Giulio Meottiצילום: עצמי

Testimonies collected by the New York Times within the International Labor Organization (the UN labor agency) speak of a payment of 25 million dollars by the Doha government into the agency's coffers, which would have led to a softer attitude on workers' rights in the emirate, in view of the football World Cup. The agency denied that.

In 2021, Saudi Arabia - another flagship country of workers' rights - was elected to the executive committee of the International Labor Organization.

Wonderful news can be read on the websites of UN agencies. Like this one: “The director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Ghada Waly, and the chairman of the Saudi Arabian Anti-Corruption and Control Authority, Mazin bin Ibrahim Al-Kahmous, signed an agreement of 10 millions of dollars to fight against corruption”.

In fact, the Saudis know how to fight drug trafficking: they behead it.

In 2018, Qatar promised 500 million dollars to UN agencies.

The truth is that Islamic dictatorships are buying up the UN agencies. What interest do some of the world's least populated and most repressive countries, from Qatar to Saudi Arabia, have in becoming the world's largest donors to humanitarian causes? This was explained to Le Figaro by the distinguished philosopher Pierre Manent, director of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. He quotes Brexit and a great scholar of Machiavelli: "We have allowed the establishment of a discipline of words and feelings which forbids us to defend and, so to speak, to love what we are, the form of life which is our own, but which , on the other hand, imperiously commands us to welcome with avidity everything that accuses us, everything that disturbs us, everything that offends us. We were a people who claimed to govern themselves and to be part of history. We have given up on this ambition and declared it unjust. Our nation separates us from humanity, it is urgent to dissolve it in humanity, such is our new political religion”.

In the same hours that the New York Times accused the labor agency of corruption by Qatar, the head of the UN refugee agency, Filippo Grandi, was in Qatar to sign an agreement with the emirate worth 18 million dollars. The UN secretary, Antonio Guterres, was also in Qatar to inaugurate the "House of the United Nations". The Emir of Qatar is funding numerous UN agencies, from Unicef to WHO to FAO. One of the smallest states in the world is among the top ten international donors to UN agencies. Saudi Arabia is the third largest donor in the world. What was the UNWTO, the UN agency for tourism, doing in Saudi Arabia?

A report by the Adenauer Foundation tells how Gulf countries use humanitarian donations to promote political Islam.

Take the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism's donor list: Qatar and Saudi Arabia hold it tight with their dollars. It doesn't matter that Qatar has donated 1.5 billion to Hamas, that in Syria Qatar has supported the Al Nusra terrorists or that Qatar is accused by the parents of an American journalist assassinated by ISIS of ties to terrorism.

At the Orwellian UN, "terrorism" does not mean terrorism.

Meanwhile, Qatar has anointed the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, with 16 million dollars. Last September, Saudi Arabia donated 1 million to the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, the UN body for "dialogue between civilizations". Then 10 million from Kuwait to the UN migration agency.

Islamic regimes have launched a takeover bid for UNESCO by investing immense financial resources in the United Nations agency. Qatar, the world's richest state per capita, has provided extremely generous financial support. For this reason a representative of Qatar, the former Minister of Culture Hamad bin Abdulaziz al Kawari, led the race for the leadership of UNESCO.


This "lobbying" has allowed Islamic countries to form the most powerful bloc in Unesco. As Denis MacEoin explained, “of Unesco's 195 member states, 35 are fully Islamic nations, another 21 are members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and four are observer states. That makes 60 representing a bloc in favor of Muslim-inspired resolutions."

Turkey gave 5 million to UNESCO, which remained very silent when Erdogan converted the Hagia Sophia basilica into a mosque.

Qatar donated 4 million and promised 10 to UNESCO (another half million has just been allocated for 2023). UNESCO's headquarters in Paris hosted a Saudi-sponsored forum on "cultural and religious diversity" (UNESCO just praised the Saudis). A capitulation to barbarism paid for by the Saudi king Abdallah Ibn Abdul Aziz with 20 million to UNESCO. The United Arab Emirates donated 6 million to UNESCO and Kuwait 5 million. Then another donation of 3.5 million from Kuwait.

Saudi Arabia has just been elected to lead the UNESCO commission on world heritage. Not bad for a state that has destroyed 98 percent of its religious and artistic heritage. We recall that UNESCO is the acronym that stands for "United Nations Fund for Education, Science and Culture". George Orwell.?..

Azerbaijan, one of the richest Islamic countries in the world, has enormous weight within UNESCO. Azerbaijani Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva (who is also President Ilham Aliyev's wife) has been given the title of 'UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador', a position that organizations such as the European Center for Press and Media Freedom have asked UNESCO to withdraw. Aliyev awarded a medal to former UNESCO director Koichiro Matsuura. And when UNESCO lost 22 percent of its budget, Azerbaijan gave 5 million to UNESCO. The same year, UNESCO hosted an exhibition titled "Azerbaijan, Land of Tolerance" at its Paris headquarters at the request of the Aliyev Foundation, headed by his wife.

In the words of that magnificent French intellectual who was Jean-François Revel, UNESCO has become the "international fund of lies, whose original mission was to spread education, science and culture, but which reversed the course of its function making one think of Orwell's Ministry of Truth".

Why pass up a long weekend at the five-star Four Seasons Riyadh hotel, where “marble bathrooms with deep soaking tubs” await? This is what the 2,100 delegates of 400 Western non-governmental organizations gathered in the realm of Islam for the world forum "Youth and their social impact" organized by the United Nations must have thought. Participants of the fairer sex were asked to "dress modestly", wearing the abaya, the long dark dress. Men were asked never to give their left hand, "it is considered impolite" in Islam, and "never extend your hand to women". The event was organized by a foundation of the Saudi family and saw the participation, among others, of the UNESCO secretary Irina Bokova and the French Jacques Attali.

At the Four Seasons hotel the motto is: “You will love it”. They must have thought so too, the castes of untouchables of the UN agencies, home of a humanitarian bureaucracy that does not know austerity, gets bigger and fatter every year and whose tendency to pachydermia is proportional to its uselessness and danger. They are the West's soft underbelly.

Giulio Meotti is an Italian journalist with Il Foglio and writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author, in English, of the book "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter and of "J'Accuse: the Vatican Against Israel" published by Mantua Books, in addition to books in Italian. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Gatestone, Frontpage and Commentary.