180 million Europeans hate the Jews
180 million Europeans hate the Jews

“More than a quarter of Europeans polled believe Jews have too much influence in business and finance. Nearly one in four said Jews have too much influence in conflict and wars across the world”.

Those are among the key findings of a survey carried out for CNN. In another poll, 43 percent of Dutch Jews take active steps to hide their Jewish identity, such as wearing a hat over their kippah or hiding Star of David pendants. Anti-Semitism is destroying Europe from within. About 180 million Europeans hate the Jews, again.

The pattern is very clear: Israel is the “aggressor”, Israel is the state of the Jews, hence the Jews are the aggressors. This new European anti-Semitism, in fact, has been fueled by the global hate for Israel and the rise of radical Islam. The old European dormant anti-Jewish mood has been rejuvenated by the diabolical poison known as anti-Zionism.

And the tragic sense of abandonment that is gripping the Jews of Europe is powered by an anguish more subtle but no less devastating: the perception of a resigned European acquiescence, even institutionally, to the new anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism. Adolf Hitler would certainly have been proud of all the motions that condemn Zionism as “racist”, a falsification of history since, in actuality, Zionism was born as a reaction to Adolf Hitler would certainly have been proud of all the motions that condemn Zionism as “racist.”

A few days ago, in fact, all the European countries voted against Israel at the United Nations in eight successive resolutions. Anti-Zionism is the mask behind which anti-Semites are covered after Hitler. The UN denies the Jewish right - recognized to other peoples - to have a national state, therefore it is racist and anti-Semitic, but Europe now considers it perfectly reasonable to vote along the anti-Israel party.

The “Parliament of the World”, now under the hegemony of an alliance between dictatorships and Islamic and Third World states, is maneuvered against the Jewish people.

Until not long ago, knowing that in the Western cities, with the acquiescent silence of the European Union, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion would circulate undisturbed, that Jewish pupils with a kippah should have to be escorted at schools, that Holocaust survivors would be burned to death in their own beds, would have provoked horror and indignation. Today we limit ourselves to a banal shrug.

In many universities in the middle of Europe there is now silent discrimination against Israeli scholars who are asked to be thrown out of classrooms and laboratories. The European scientific community does not feel offended by this new form of anti-Jewish ostracism.

Not anti-Israeli, but anti-Jewish hate.

I cannot forget that pro-Palestinian rally in Rome, in which demonstrators disguised as suicide terrorists marched toward the Jewish quarter. It was 2002. Sixteen years later, Europe is still searching for a possible explanation for all this anti-Semitism. It is like that girl discovering that she is expecting a baby in her eighth month.