Emergency workers prepare in Tzfat ahead of Carmel storm
Emergency workers prepare in Tzfat ahead of Carmel stormDavid Cohen/Flash90

The winter storm ‘Carmel’ arrived in Israel early Monday morning, bringing with it heavy winds and rain.

The storm is expected to peak later Monday, with winds and rainfall intensifying.

The Israel Meteorological Service has forecast strong winds across the country, with snow in the Hermon area of the Golan Heights and some other high elevations across Israel.

Elsewhere, the IMS has forecast strong winds accompanied by rain, starting in the north and the coastal plain and spreading out across the center of the country moving southward.

Parts of southern Israel will experience dry, dusty weather with intense winds and possible dust and sand storms in some areas. Temperatures are expected to drop later in the day.

There is a high risk of flooding around the Dead Sea and Judean Desert.

The rainfall across much of Israel is expected to continue through the night, with periodic storm winds. Snow is forecast to continue to fall in the Hermon area, with possible light snowfall on other mountain peaks in the north.

The rain is forecast to continue through Tuesday in the north and the coastal plain, with continued snowfall in the Hermon.

The forecast points to possible floods in the coastal plain Tuesday, while the storm winds are likely to diminish somewhat, with below-average temperatures continuing.