Miki Zohar
Miki ZoharYonatan Sindel/Flash90

MK Miki Zohar (Likud) on Tuesday morning said Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and the justice system will need to take the results of the elections into account before deciding to indict Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

The Prime Minister is scheduled to appear the prosecutor for a pre-indictment hearing in October.

In an interview with Reshet Bet, Zohar said, "The public is the one who decides public norms. They're the boss."

"The only one in charge of Netanyahu's fate is the people of Israel and Israel's citizens. If they go to the polls in another few months and again tell the Attorney General, the enforcement authorities, the Left, and the media that they want Netanyahu as their prime minister - then with all respect to everyone, he will remain their prime minister."

Zohar also believes that the decision will be to indict Netanyahu, due to the enormous pressure placed on the Attorney General.

"You see all the demonstrations beside his house, the media's unending pressure, the fact that they broke his father's gravestone - and you wonder if he's able to make the decision in an objective fashion," he explained.

"The Prime Minister knows he's innocent. The problem is that the justice system says, 'Let's charge a person, for the first time, with a political-media crime.' Personally, when I think about this issue from the side, I'm not optimistic, because it seems they've already made their decision."