Rozanne L. Ridgway was U.S. Ambassador to Finland under the Carter Administration, and later went on to become Ambassador to East Germany under the Reagan Administration.
In 1983-4, a defecting East German Volkspolizei was shot while seeking sanctuary in the U.S. Embassy under Ridgeway.
Although it would have been a simple matter to open the doors of the embassy and render him medical treatment, the policeman was left to bleed to death for several hours outside the locked embassy gate.
Observers in Washington predicted Ridgway would never get a promotion again, yet by the end of the Reagan administration her meteoric rise to Chief of the Disarmament Staff in the White House and also Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs - the #3 position in the State Department - put her in charge of the interagency committees that oversee covert operations and other important policies with access to America’s darkest operational secrets.
Many patriotic Americans found such performance within the Reagan administration inexplicable, until someone in Washington clarified the phenomenon by stating “Ridgway’s Law”: When forced into having to choose between loyalty to a principle and loyalty to a source of power, a career bureaucrat will sacrifice principle and remain loyal to his source of power. Loyalty will be measured by how successfully s/he can remain unmoved by human concerns. Such as the abandonment of innocents to death.
Upon retirement from State several years later she became President of the Atlantic Council, one of the wealthiest think tanks in Washington, and is currently Chairwoman of the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation, a U.S. Government-initiated investment fund endowed by proceeds from the Baltic-American Enterprise Fund. These appointments put her in a position to control external as well as internal debate to support globalist objectives shared by other organizations of which Ridgway is a member: Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group.
“Kapo” was a term used for certain prisoners who worked inside the concentration camps during World War II. The name stood for Kameradenpolizei, or “Comrade Police”, and referred to prisoners who had been recruited by their captors to police their fellow prisoners. They received more privileges than normal prisoners, towards whom they were often brutal.
Their tasks included transporting victims of gassing to the ovens, cleaning the gas chambers of human excrement and blood, removing gold from victim's teeth, and shaving the heads of those going to the gas chambers. Kapos were given special privileges within the concentration camps, but were seen as betraying their fellow prisoners for personal gain.
Indeed, during the Holocaust, the Germans generally used the Judenrat (Jewish Council) system of shipping off specific groups of Jews for extermination while others were able to bribe or otherwise avoid being in the victim group. This allowed for the piecemeal extermination of large numbers which would have been much more difficult had those Jews stuck together. Some in the Judenrat may have been well-intentioned, but their actions ended up being destructive.
The Judenrats came to terms with the oppression they were under, helping the oppressors by feeding them victims in exchange for stretching their ability to survive for a while. In many cases, members of the leadership were able to set up a system to take personal advantage of their position, working out deals with the Germans to help relatives or friends out of trouble, while sacrificing the communities they had been entrusted with.
Dr. Rudolph (later Israel) Kastner was head of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee in Hungary and later was appointed Israeli Trade and Industry Ministry Spokesman. He was accused in a 1953 pamphlet written by a Holocaust survivor of collaborating with the Nazis during the war, the only crime to merit the death penalty in Israel (Nazi and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law, 1951).
Towards the end of the war, the S.S. Colonels in Budapest were faced with the capture and deportation of eight hundred thousand Jews to be killed in Auschwitz with only 150 S.S. soldiers and five thousand Hungarian gendarmes to execute the task.
The S.S. Colonels wished to avoid another Warsaw Ghetto uprising, in which for twenty-seven days Jews armed with pistols, clubs, and broken bottles stood against German tanks, cannon, machine guns, and the Luftwaffe, causing many German deaths and casualties.
In the trial resulting from the Israeli government indictment of the Holocaust survivor author of the 1953 pamphlet, Dr. Kastner admitted that Eichmann told him he wished to avoid a second Warsaw. The only possible way of getting Hungary's Jews to Auschwitz was to keep them ignorant of their fate.
In the 1955 Kastner trial itself, Judge Binyamin HaLevi wrote in his verdict: "The sacrifice of the vital interests of the majority of the Jews, in order to rescue the prominents, was the basic element in the agreement between Kastner and the Nazis. This agreement fixed the division of the nation into two unequal camps: a small fragment of prominents, whom the Nazis promised Kastner to save, on the one hand, and the great majority of Hungarian Jews whom the Nazis designated for death, on the other hand. An imperative condition for the rescue of the first camp by the Nazis was that Kastner will not interfere in the action of the Nazis against the other camp and will not hamper them in its extermination.
"Kastner fulfilled this condition. He concentrated his efforts in the rescue of the prominents and treated the camp of the doomed as if they had already been wiped out from the book of the living.
"One cannot estimate the damage caused by Kastner's collaboration and put down the number of victims which it cost Hungarian Jews. These are not only the thousands of Jews in Kluj alone, but also the thousands of Jews in Nodvarod or any other community in the border area; Jews who could escape through the border, had the chief of the rescue committee fulfilled his duty towards them" (Judgement of Judge Dr. Binyamin HaLevi, President of the Jerusalem District Court, June 22, 1955, Protocol, C.C. 124/53 in the District Court of Jerusalem).
Now, as then, community leaders are susceptible to being intimidated, manipulated, or bribed into being used as docile conduits for government disinformation so that destructive agendas may smoothly proceed.
What is the antidote to such deadly bureaucratic blindness?
The Torah commandment to place a guardrail around one's roof lest one fall is phrased in the original Hebrew to imply that the person was destined to fall anyway for his own reasons. The moral implication is that although he's going to fall off of someone's roof anyway, nevertheless let it not be your roof, as our Sages revealed to us that subsumed within the creation is a natural law that beneficial forms are conveyed to the world through the agency of beneficial people, while malevolent forms come through malevolent people.
Israel has long been the target of billionaire George Soros, with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu identifying him as a patron of the widespread, craftily orchestrated campaign against Israel’s plan to deport African infiltrators.
The NGO-Monitor watchdog group produced an in-depth report that listed many left-leaning causes in Israel, or pertaining to Israel, funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations.
George Soros is completely comfortable with his Nazi collaborationist past, with the justification that had he not betrayed his brothers, somebody else would have, the diametric opposite of the Torah command.
To live with himself and his monstrous past, Soros must unleash a pestilence of social demolition onto the entire world. His self-hatred and self-contempt are exceeded only by his hatred of humanity, and especially those whom he betrayed and who bear witness to the Law that he rejected, the Jews.
During the Holocaust, the Orthodox Rabbis were the only figures who were not afraid or embarrassed to speak up while others excused their own silence and paralysis with many plausible reasons, such as not wishing to risk endangering Israeli statehood, not violating bans on trading with the enemy, loyalty to a U.S. president in wartime, or unwillingness to deal with the detested Nazis, even to save Jewish lives.
When it was a matter of rescuing Jewish lives of any group or outward level of Jewish observance, the Orthodox were even prepared to violate many laws to save lives. They were ready to pay ransom for Jews and deliver them from concentration camps with forged passports. For that purpose the Orthodox Rabbis of World War II did not hesitate to deal with counterfeiters and passport thieves. They were ready to smuggle Jewish children over the borders, and to engage expert smugglers for this purpose. They were ready to smuggle money illegally into enemy territory to bribe the murderers of the Jewish people. They were even ready to send emissaries to plead with the chief murderers, and to try to appease them at any cost.(1,2)
Without making a comparison between Nazis and Kapos then, and well-meaning leaders today, the divide-and-conquer principle used then is timeless and is also used in contemporary Israel - and in other places all over the world as well. Before the Gaza expulsion, some local leaders of Gaza's Jews knew that other leaders were spreading government disinformation but did not dare protest obtrusively for fear of disturbing the rumored “consensus” – where no one knows for sure if their community is inside or outside the “national consensus” of communities that are supposed to stay in place in any permanent agreement.
By the time Gaza’s Jews figured out that they were all “outside of the consensus”, Israel’s expulsion juggernaut was well trained and ready. For the loyal Jews of Gaza still struggling to ingratiate themselves with soldiers by bringing them cookies and lemonade, it was too late.
The Jews of Gaza would not have heeded Disengagement Authority officials. But they still had trust in their establishment leaders. Sharon and others used this known fact as part of their calculated plan to mislead Gaza’s Jews and their supporters. They were able to evict the Jews from their homes owing to the help of some of their leaders and rabbis.
The antidote, therefore, and the strength to withstand the test when power is pitted against principle, is to remember the transcendent reality of a moral code built into the very fabric of the universe. The gangster's equation "if I don't do it somebody else will" can never be used as an excuse.
When the uppermost policy consideration is unity and refusal, according to Torah law, to abandon brothers of any group or outward level of Jewish observance, no force in the universe can harm the Jewish People.
1. Were We Our Brother's Keeper? - Lookstein;
2. While Six Million Died - Morse;