Foreign Ministry Director General Dr. Dore Gold summoned Swedish ambassador Carl Magnus-Nesser Monday, to give him a reprimand following Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom's blaming the Paris terror attacks on Israel.
"Any connection between ISIS terrorism and the Palestinian issue is baseless, and the words might be interpreted as a justification for Palestinian terrorism," Gold fired, in a conversation with Magnus-Nesser.
He also noted that Sweden was one of the leading nations who called to label products made in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights, and to single out Israel in that controversial EU decision.
Gold added that the labeling move does not promote peace and may actually harm Palestinians working in Israeli industrial plants in those areas.
Wallstrom provoked a firestorm of criticism Monday, when she appeared to blaming the attacks on "Palestinian frustration" with Israel.
"To counteract the radicalization we must go back to the situation such as the one in the Middle East of which not the least the Palestinians see that there is no future: we must either accept a desperate situation or resort to violence,” she stated in a Swedish-language TV interview.
In an official statement the Israeli foreign ministry reacted by branding her comments "impudent."
"The Swedish foreign minister’s statements are appallingly impudent. The Swedish foreign minister has consistently demonstrated bias against Israel and exhibits genuine hostility when she indicates a connection of any kind between the terrorist attacks in Paris and the complex situation between Israel and the Palestinians.
"Whoever fatuously attempts to create a link between radical Islamist attacks and the current problems between Israel and the Palestinians is fooling himself, his people and international public opinion."
It was not the first time that Wallstrom has drawn a parallel between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the bolstering of radical movements in the Middle East.
Last year, after Sweden's recognition of the PA as the "state of Palestine" infuriated Israel, Wallstrom said: "We want to contribute to creating more hope and belief in the future among young Palestinians and Israelis who might otherwise run the risk of radicalization in the belief that there is no alternative to the current situation."
AFP contributed to this report.