On Tuesday, September 21, Palestinian Authority leaders Machmud Abbas and Salam Fayyad arrive in Washington.
According to reports that have appeared in both the Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post newspapers, the purpose of their trip is to improve their relations with the Jewish community in the United States at a time when negotiations have resumed between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. In that context, the Daniel Abraham Center will be hosting Abbas and the Israel Project will be hosting Fayad in widely publicized press events.
The readiness of Abbas and Fayad for dialogue with US Jewry provides an opportunity to ask direct questions of these two leaders -- questions that address issues at the heart of possibilities for genuine peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.:
-Will you arrange for revisions -- beginning immediately -- of official Palestinian Authority textbooks, so that:
All praise of the armed struggle ("Jihad") and all praise of Palestinian terrorists ("martyrs") is removed.
Israeli cities such as Tiberias, Acre, Haifa and Tzfat are identified as such, rather than as Palestinian
All maps identify Israel as such, at least within the Green Line?
-Will you order the PBC, the official TV and radio network of the Palestinian Authority, to cease and desist from broadcasting and televising programs that incite the “armed struggle” against the state and people of Israel?
-Will you refrain from honoring terrorists by such actions as naming city squares, sports events and schools after them?
-Will you change the Palestinian Authority tourist map of Jerusalem, so that the Jewish Quarter, which is currently omitted, is properly identified?
-Will you denounce in English and Arabic the decision of the August 2009 Fatah conference, which endorsed the armed struggle against the state of Israel?
-Will you renounce in English and Arabic the draft of the Palestinian State Constitution that was adopted by the Palestinian Authority in 2003, which calls for the adoption of Sharia Law -- thus permitting no juridical status for any religion in the future Palestinian State other than Islam?
-Will you arrange for an official Palestinian Authority endorsement in English and Arabic of cancellation of those sections of the PLO covenant that call for Israel's destruction?
-Will you remove from all Palestinian Authority schools and libraries the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, as well as the PHD thesis written by Abbas that asserts that Zionists worked with the Nazis to conduct mass murder of Jews during World War II?
Let's hear the answers before we try to negotiate peace.