
Shalom Bayit

News and updates about Shalom Bayit

Make your marriage a priority

Is your marriage vibrant or just tolerable?Learn how to be in a relationship with each other,talk to each other,understand each other.

Make your marriage a priority

Bring More Love and Joy In Your Marriage

10 things Happy Couples Avoid…Avoid negative attitudes .."Date" each other regularly.Laugh...Keep things light and fun.

Bring More Love and Joy In Your Marriage

Marriage 911: Developing feelings of love and attraction

Do enjoyable activities together, spend fun time together regularly, take care of your appearance.

Marriage 911: Developing feelings of love and attraction

Roommates or Soulmates? Revive Your Marriage

Reignite the spark.Focus on your spouse in a positive and connected way...Express your feelings of love and appreciation daily.

Roommates or Soulmates? Revive Your Marriage

Dash of LOVE - lots of love

How can we preserve the bond of love and friendship to last throughout our marriage?

Dash of LOVE - lots of love

MARRIAGE 911: How to become a forgiving person

Do not indulge yourself in toxic thoughts that you must have something and you deserve it - this attitude will bring you much anger.

MARRIAGE 911: How to become a forgiving person

Marriage 911

Don't ignore your fears - confront them.

Marriage 911