News and updates about Love

Matan Emunah Essay:

Kislev: On the Path of Love

Chanukah is a time to strengthen the positive energy in the home, as the mitzvah is emphasized as נר איש וביתו (Shabbat 21b), an obligation on the family to add light to the home.

Kislev: On the Path of Love

Vayetze: Show your children your love of Judaism

First, we must love Judaism ourselves. Then, we can impart this love to our children.

Vayetze: Show your children your love of Judaism

What comes first: Love or Marriage?

What is unique about the marriage of Rebecca and Isaac? And why is this sort of description never repeated in the Torah?

What comes first: Love or Marriage?

My love will be stronger than your defiance

We can all use a hug: the power of the sukkah.

My love will be stronger than your defiance

Why are we here?

The High Holidays as the language of love.

Why are we here?

Celebrating Love:

5 Unique Ideas for a Perfect 5th Anniversary Gift

Here are five creative ideas to help you select the perfect 5-year anniversary gift.

5 Unique Ideas for a Perfect 5th Anniversary Gift

Rachel and Ya'akov: inspired by love

Rachel and Ya'akov inspire us with their love, their coping with setbacks and the lessons they and we learn from Yitzchak and Rivka.

Rachel and Ya'akov: inspired by love

The 9 Days: A time for rebuilding the world with love

Israel's first Chief Rabbi: We must counter baseless hatred, sinat chinam, with baseless love, ahavat chinam.

The 9 Days: A time for rebuilding the world with love

Beshalach: Ecstatic Emunah

Teaching our children about God cannot be limited to imparting knowledge; it must involve experiences that generate love of the Creator.

Beshalach: Ecstatic Emunah

Weekly Torah Study: Vayeitze


There is nothing quite like the feeling of love. Mentioning Yaakov's love for Rachel is a rarity in the Tanach.


Distancing that leads to closeness

Out of the longing of distancing, husband and wife reunite with greater love, and thus the fire that keeps marriage alive is guarded.

Distancing that leads to closeness

Order of the day: Love

The Weekly Portion, Eikev: Rabbanit Yemima Mizrahi explains that it's not by chance that we read this parasha this year during the pandemic.

 Order of the day: Love

Which legendary person’s Yartzeit is commemorated on Wednesday?

Tthe first day of the fifth month, is Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av, which will be on Wednesday of this week and is mentioned in Parashat Mas'ei.

Which legendary person’s Yartzeit is commemorated on Wednesday?

For Ellen, my precious wife, the Love of My Life-Part 2 of 2

She began every day as though this would be the happiest day in her life.

For Ellen, my precious wife,  the Love of My Life-Part 2 of 2

For Ellen, my precious wife of twenty years, the Love of My Life

Now revealing why sometimes I seem to have disappeared for weeks at a time. (Ellen Fischer z"l's funeral is at 3pm today in Israel).

For Ellen, my precious wife of twenty years, the Love of My Life

The opposite of love is not hate

The opposite of love is apathy which can be more painful than hatred.

The opposite of love is not hate

Back from the brink:

Parent's love prevents Jewish girl from converting to Islam

Nothing about this passenger was routine. Her journey began 2 years ago in supermarket she worked at, near her home in hareidi neighborhood.

Parent's love prevents Jewish girl from converting to Islam

Love won't come later

Should we give up on infatuation for the sake of finding true love? Opinion.

Love won't come later

Make your marriage a priority

Is your marriage vibrant or just tolerable?Learn how to be in a relationship with each other,talk to each other,understand each other.

Make your marriage a priority

Roommates or Soulmates? Revive Your Marriage

Reignite the spark.Focus on your spouse in a positive and connected way...Express your feelings of love and appreciation daily.

Roommates or Soulmates? Revive Your Marriage

Marriage 911: Three secrets revealed (part 1)

Let go of resentments, train yourself to let grudges go - and why 'being fair' is a recipe for disaster.

Marriage 911: Three secrets revealed (part 1)

Media Mogul Professes 'Love' for Turkish President

'The more I saw him, I felt in love," Turkish media mogul Ethem Sancak declares of Erdogan weeks before general elections.

Media Mogul Professes 'Love' for Turkish President