The world of real estate: Importance of finding Ideal Property
Today, the world of real estate has become more accessible and convenient than ever before.
Today, the world of real estate has become more accessible and convenient than ever before.
Man should have exclusive right to hs own property, but he should also have the opportunity to start afresh.
Survivors, families share stories about lives before Holocaust, how homes, land, business, personal possessions are important links to past.
Securing a property in a foreign country can be very difficult and involves overcoming several hurdles
Newly released documents suggest Jerusalem Arabs do not face same requirements as Jews in proving ownership of property.
ILF chairman King announces last Jewish property in key J'lem area sold to Arabs despite his counter-offer, as greed wins out.
NY State Comptrolleri's office is teaming up with the Holocaust Era Asset Restitution Taskforce to track down property of Holocaust victims.