Remembering the Anschluss - March 12, 1938
The WJC appealed to the League of Nations to come to the aid of Austrian Jewry, “exposed completely to Nazi barbarism.” No response.Op-ed.
The WJC appealed to the League of Nations to come to the aid of Austrian Jewry, “exposed completely to Nazi barbarism.” No response.Op-ed.
Looking at the evidence, it is clear the Jews of Eretz Israel are the most incontestably Indigenous people on the face of the earth. Op-ed.
Some 20 of 27 EU members were also League of Nations members and voted in 1922 to have Judea and Samaria part of the Jewish Homeland. Op-ed.
Prime Minister found it fitting to remind UNESCO of Abraham's acquisition of the Cave of Machpela, but is that discourse relevant today?
There is no map in the PA that identifies a country called “Israel.” In effect, the US has given that omission its seal of approval.
President Obama calls Judea and Samaria 'Palestinian' - in contradiction to international law.