Dr. Richard L. Cravatts
News and updates about Dr. Richard L. Cravatts

How Universities enable hijacking free speech when Jews are involved

The only question on settlement legality is: Why did it take so long?

The resurrection of the Blood Libel - by pseudo-scholars

'The Right to Maim': Intersectionality and blood libels

Normalizing anti-Semitism on campus

Trump's Jewish nominee for Civil Rights Office smeared by Arab groups

Purging Jewish students from the Israeli/Palestine debate

Holocaust: The careless anti-Semitism of morally-incoherent educators

On the wrong side of history

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

‘Hate Spaces’

Hijacking the news on campus

Perverting college coursework to confirm to anti-Israel ideology

On campus: The altruistic evil of 'social justice' for Palestinians

The lie of academic free speech

Defining and being able to condemn anti-Semitism on UC campuses

No, Mr. Trump, you cannot be "neutral" in the Middle East

The paranoid view of history infects Oberlin

Pseudo-scholarship, intersectionality, and blood libels against Israel

Open Hillel welcomes the enemy into the Jewish tent

Women's studies and the moral vacuity of an academic boycott of Israel

Campus fascists

The Wesleyan Controversy

SJP's credo: ‘Free speech for me, but not for thee’

Moral dementia at Stanford and Berkeley

Politicizing Scholarship to Question Israel’s Existence

Moral Madness in the Campus War Against Israel

Anti-Israel Radicalism's Genocidal Nature at UC Davis

The Lethality of De-Judaizing Jerusalem

The Ivory Tower’s Nazification of Israel

Campus Anti-Semitism Promotes Palestinian Solidarity

Academic Doublethink Regarding Anti-Semitism

The Moral Psychosis of Demonstrating for Hamas

Academic Lies in the Cognitive War Against Israel

Israel's Morally Impossible Self-Defense

It's Jew-Hatred, Stupid

Stealth Anti-Semitism

Social Justice for All - Except Israel

Academic Boycotts: Guilty by Virtue of Being Israelis

Moral Narcissism and the MLA’s Obsession with Israel

Answering Back the Academic Boycotters of Israel

ASA Boycott: Academic Freedom for Me, But Not for Thee

Moral Incoherence in Academic Boycotts against Israel

Academics Betray Academic Freedom

Northeastern Students Call for Murder of Jews

High School History Stacked Against Israel - in the USA

An Open Letter to Alice Walker

With Moderates Like Abbas...

Getting the World to Hate Israel
