The Community vs the Individual
With all the pain for each and every hostage and their family, there is something bigger: the existence of the entire Jewish people!
With all the pain for each and every hostage and their family, there is something bigger: the existence of the entire Jewish people!
Instead of the Minister of Religion appointing raibbis, we suggest a model of local rabbis elected by the public.
The mamzer is fully a Jew; obligated in all mitzvoth. But the spiritual consequences of his birth are profound.
Netanyahu says he plans to ask extension to form government, announces government will soon decide on establishment of new Golan community.
'Technology has given us the ability to provide a way for these special children to express their feelings.'
Former residents of Amona express cautious optimism as work begins on replacement town for them in Shiloh Valley in Samaria.
Likud Minister Zeev Elkin visits Amona evictees, promises to act towards the establishment of replacement community promised by PM.
'We always lose something from every traumatic experience. But we also gain; we find new strength that we did not have before.'
Ahead of Toronto show, Israeli hareidi music sensations reveal to local paper that Torah and music can go hand in hand.
U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security praises Jewish community for efforts in ensuring safety following Boston bombings.
Lots zoned for 5,000 apartments for hareidim will be marketed next week in the town of Harish, about an hour away from Tel Aviv.
A new documentary examines the contributions, accomplishments, trials and tribulations of the pioneer movement.