Tourism Minister Yariv Levin (Tuesday) rejected the criticism voiced against cabinet discussions over the possibility of building permits for Palestinian Arabs in Area C of Judea and Samaria.
In an interview with Galai Tzahal (Army Radio), Levin explained: "The decision has not yet been made. If we allow this construction, it will only be for residents of Area C. In the face of several hundred units being discussed, we are in discussions about thousands of housing units - the momentum of construction in Judea and Samaria will continue."
Minister Yariv Levin attacked the High Court judges' intervention on the issue of Tiberias Mayor Ron Kobi's hearing: "It raises the question of what it is the point of having an interior minister, after all, if someone is sitting above him. We are constantly witnessing the High Court's intervention in government decisions. "
In an interview, Minister Levin called for the completion of the union on the right. "The left in this sense is more responsible than the factions on the right." In response to the call for a large union on the left, Minister Levin noted, "Attaching a Meretz to Blue and White will make it clear which government they want to form."
Minister Yariv Levin also attacked the exaggerated demands that the parties raise in coalition negotiations, "It is time to put an end to the racketeering and demanding demands. We can go back to the days when the Likud won 48 seats [and didn't need to kowtow to the demands of smaller parties]."