Israel-Egyptian crossing at Taba
Israel-Egyptian crossing at TabaFlash 90

On Friday the Israeli Counter-Terrorism Bureau ordered the Taba Border Crossing between Israel and Sinai reopened.

However, the terror threat remains in place.

"It has been decided to allow the exit of Israeli citizens to Sinai via the Taba crossing," a statement from the Bureau said. "At the same time the counter-terror bureau stresses that the threat to Israelis in Sinai remains severe, concrete and immediate."

The Bureau also warned visits to the area should be avoided and said that those who are already there should leave immediately.

The Taba Crossing was closed on April 10, after intelligence learned of ISIS plans to attack Israeli tourists in the region, and following ISIS attacks on Egyptian Coptic churches on Palm Sunday.

Several hours after the crossing was closed, a rocket was fired at Israel from Sinai.