The Israel Security Agency (ISA, also known as the Shin Bet or Shabak) has cleared for publication the details about a shooting attack in the Samaria community of El Matan that it prevented.
About two weeks ago, an Arab terrorist from the nearby village of Azoun was arrested near the fence surrounded El Matan. He was caught with an improvised gun, ammunition and a knife.
IDF forces arrested the terrorist, 28-year-old Amad al-Houli, while on his way home, after apparently reconsidering his plans.
An ISA investigation has found that the motive for the attempted attack was a fight with his parents after he canceled his engagement.
El Matan residents have previously suffered terror attacks, including the firebomb attack that left 11-year-old Ayala Shapira with 40% burns on her upper body. She survived, but still has years of difficult treatment and painful surgery ahead of her. Residents have demanded that the government allow them access to a safer road.
It is believed that al-Houli intended to open fire on vehicles passing along the still-dangerous route.