New York:
Museum hosts US, Israeli officials at Holocaust memorial event
Sen. Schumer, Amb. Linda Thomas Greenfield, and other officials join Holocaust memorial event in NYC museum.
Sen. Schumer, Amb. Linda Thomas Greenfield, and other officials join Holocaust memorial event in NYC museum.
Exhibit will use technology and interactive media to tell story of Denmark saving its Jewish community during the Holocaust.
NYC’s Holocaust museum uses personal objects to tell the story of lives lived and lost.
Major new exhibit, “The Holocaust: What Hate Can Do,” has opened at New York City’s Museum of Jewish Heritage.
Tikvah Fund relocates Jewish Leadership Conference after Museum of Jewish Heritage refuses to host it in protest against Florida governor.
NYC Council members note that if the museum does not renounce this decision, they will urge others to stop financial support. Op-ed.
NY’s Museum of Jewish Heritage has declared itself a partisan institution by banning Gov. DeSantis from speaking in its building.Op-ed.
Did a New York Holocaust museum ban Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis? Depends whom you ask.
Museum will explore the ways Jews in the US South "influenced and were influenced by the distinct cultural heritage of their new homes."
Living memorial to Holocaust marks Yom Hashoah by remembering survivors who lost their lives from 2020 to the present.
Museum says financial crisis caused by coronavirus pandemic is forcing it to lay off two thirds of its employees.
The home of Oswiecim's last Jewish resident now an expansion to museum, preserves history of 400-year-old Jewish community.