Yaacov and Yisrael, the two names of our beloved Nation, hint at two major aspects of our national character and mission. Yaakov refers to "heel" (ekev), the lower part of the human body. In contrast, Yisrael contains the letters "rosh li" (the head is mine), referring to the head and the beginning, the first and upper part of a person. As our Sages said, in a play on the first word of the Torah: "There is no 'first' (reish-it) except Yisrael.”
After Yaacov’s struggle with Esav's angel, the angel calls Yaacov "Yisrael," as is written: "And he said, 'Your name shall no longer be called Yaacov, but Yisrael, for you have striven with G-d and with men, and you have prevailed'" (Bereshit 32:29).
Rashi explains: "With men - Esav and Lavan - and you prevailed over them. They could not defeat him.”
The aspect of "Yisrael" is revealed when enemies cannot overcome us, and Israel is victorious. Indeed, Hashem Himself calls Yaacov by the name "Yisrael” - "G-d said to him, 'Your name is Yisrael. Your name shall no longer be called Yaacov, but Yisrael shall be your name.' And He named him Yisrael" (Bereshit 35:10).
Rashi explains: "Yisrael - meaning prince and ruler.”
Until now, for thousands of years, the People of Israel have been engaged in struggles, just as Yisrael struggled with Esav and Lavan. Throughout all these struggles, the People of Israel survived, and their enemies could not and will not overcome them.
However, while we were in exile, we embodied the aspect of Yaacov, at the lowest level, the heel.
Finally, with G-d's help, we are privileged to witness the revival of Yisrael. We are rising from the aspect of "heel" to the aspect of "head," and it is no coincidence that our country is called the Medinat Yisrael. The words of our Sages are being fulfilled:
"Your name shall no longer be called Yaacov, but Yisrael shall be your name - Not that Yaacov will be uprooted from its place, but Yisrael will be primary and Yaacov secondary to it" (Berachot 12b).
And as we progress along the way, we will increasingly recognize our unique Israeli identity as a Chosen People, a holy Nation, and a kingdom of priests. We will understand the destiny of the People of Israel - to crown Hashem in the world and to enlighten and benefit all of humanity. Through this, all inhabitants of the world will recognize and know that the Lord, God of Israel, is King, and His kingdom rules over all.
The world comes to recognize this through the ingathering of our scattered exiles, the reestablishment of Jewish Sovereignty over our Land, the settlement of our borders, the construction of cities and communities throughout the country, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, out technological wizardry and economic prowess, the multiplying of Torah institutions wherever you look, and our victories in war.
Hashem’s promise to Yaacov to return him and his offspring to Eretz Yisrael has come true before our eyes, just as the Psalm declared: “When Hashem brought back the captives to Zion we were like those who dream” (Tehillim 126:1). Today, this is no longer a dream but the actual reality.
Although we have not yet reached the stage where all of our promised Biblical borders have returned to our hands, symbolized by G-d’s rolling up all of the Land under Yaacov’s head (see Rashi), recent events orchestrated by the Master of the World have shown that this too may soon become a reality and no longer a dream.
While there are those, both outside and inside our Nation, who fight against this Divine Promise from coming to pass, they will not succeed, as Hashem promised to Yaacov, “For I will not abandon you until I have done all of the things I have spoken with you” (Bereshit 28:15).
Am Yisrael has risen to rebirth. Girded with Torah, ever-stronger Emunah, and physical prowess graced from Above, we will march wholeheartedly toward our complete Redemption and the salvation of the world, as the Torah promises to Yaacov:
“The Land upon who thou liest, to you will I give it and to your seed, and your seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shall spread out to the west and to the east, and to the north and to the south; and in thee and in thy offspring shall all of the families of the earth be blessed” (Bereshit 28:13-14).
In anticipation of victory and complete salvation.