News and updates about Sleep

Achieve Better Sleep Quality With These Pillow Tips

How do you sleep at night? This might sound like a simple question, but not for the millions who are struggling to have a restful slumber. According to various sources, one in three adults worldwide has reported suffering from insomnia symptoms.

Achieve Better Sleep Quality With These Pillow Tips

Depressing Time, Productive Time, Redemptive Time

Is time a storm in which we are all lost?

Depressing Time, Productive Time, Redemptive Time

New study issues a warning to women over 50

Women over 50 who snore face an elevated risk of sleep apnea, about 15% of older women are at significant risk of developing sleep apnea.

New study issues a warning to women over 50

How do we know we're tired?

Bar-Ilan University study reveals that the PARP1 protein acts as an antenna, signaling the brain that it's time to sleep and repair DNA.

How do we know we're tired?

Trump will sleep 'a lot easier tonight' than Biden

Bondi Partners National Security Advisor Mark Watson says US President Donald Trump is going to sleep a lot easier tonight than rival Biden.

Trump will sleep 'a lot easier tonight' than Biden

The new science behind REM sleep

'Butterfly wing' neurons control the most important part of the sleep cycle.

The new science behind REM sleep

Sleep tight:

Researchers identify the beneficial role of sleep

Sleep increases chromosome dynamics that clear out DNA damage accumulated during waking hours.

Researchers identify the beneficial role of sleep

Chalom - dream

Chalom - dream

Blue light from screens harms sleep - but red light doesn't

New study shows that screens before bed aren't the problem - the blue light they emit is. What can we do to lessen the screens' effects?

Blue light from screens harms sleep - but red light doesn't