Dozens of protesters from the haredi sect 'The Jerusalemite Faction' are currently blocking Jabotinsky Street in Bnei Brak, from the Ramat Gan border to Geha Junction, in protest against draft notices issued to young haredi men.
Initially, the protesters announced plans to block Route 4 but eventually decided to focus on the busy central street in Bnei Brak.
The protesters arrived in organized groups and shouthed slogans like shouting "We will die rather than enlist" and "Draft notices are death warrants'. The likewise hurled derogatory remarks at the police officers stationed nearby.
Police stated: "There is currently an illegal protest taking place on Jabotinsky Street in Bnei Brak. Israel Police officers are on the scene directing traffic to alternative routes. Jabotinsky Street in Bnei Brak is closed from Ben Gurion Street to Geha Junction."
The police advised the public to use alternative routes. "We recommend the public travel via alternative routes and stay updated at all times. The Israel Police sees the right to protest as a cornerstone in a democratic state and allows demonstrations as long as they occur within the law; however, the police will not allow any disorderly conduct or actions that could endanger public safety or restrict freedom of movement."