Joseph's Tomb
Joseph's TombEhud Amiton/ TPS

Palestinian Authority Arab terrorists on Tuesday night fired shots at a car in which three Breslov hasidim were traveling.

The hasidim, who had entered Joseph's Tomb in the city of Shechem (Nablus) without coordinating with the IDF, suffered light injuries in the shooting.

The three escaped by vehicle and traveled to Hadassah Mount Scopus Medical Center, where they received medical treatment.

The vehicle sustained damage as well.

The IDF responded: "We received a report that overnight, shots were fired towards an Israeli vehicle which broke through a checkpoint and entered, in violation of the law, the city of Shechem in Samaria. The vehicle exited the city and its passengers evacuated themselves for medical examination. The incident will be investigated."

"The three are detained for questioning by Israel Police. We remind everyone that entry into Area A is dangerous and forbidden to Israelis under the law."

Earlier this year, a group of radical haredim entered the Shechem (Nablus) on foot on Sunday night in an attempt to reach Joseph's Tomb to pray, even though there was an organized group from the Samaria Regional Council visiting it.