Rock attack in Samaria: A rock broke the windshield and almost hit me in the head

Arabs throw rocks at a resident of Samaria who was driving on Route 505 between Tapuah and Ariel, smashing the windshield of her car. "A very difficult experience."

Vehicle hit by rocks
Vehicle hit by rocksCourtesy

Terrorism on the roads of Judea and Samaria: Arabs from the Palestinian Arab village of Jamma'in on Wednesday threw rocks at Jewish vehicles traveling on Route 505, between Ariel and Tapuah, before fleeing back to their village.

Sara, a resident of Samaria who was driving on the road, was also attacked by the Arabs, and a rock thrown at her car smashed the windshield and almost hit her in the head.

With her resourcefulness, she managed to stabilize the vehicle and called security forces, who began searching for the rock throwers.

"It was a very difficult experience," Sara recounted the moments of the attack. "I was returning home from work, and on the way between the Ariel junction and the Tapuah junction I was caught in a rock attack. Arab rioters who were apparently standing on the side of the road hurled a rock at the vehicle, which hit the windshield with great force right in front of my head, making a hole in the windshield and almost penetrating into the vehicle. A lot of glass flew at my face and I couldn't continue driving. It was only by a miracle that the rock didn't penetrate the car and hit me in the face, and that I didn't have an accident."

"These attacks cannot become routine. This is an incident in which you feel the threat to your life. In one moment, without warning, something flies towards your car and almost hits you in the head. It is impossible to continue living in this reality, where there is no basic security on the roads, and when you leave your house you do not know if you will return safely. This madness must end," she added.